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Image Comments posted by reni_kommnick

  1. this photograph is very expressive. although we don't see any facial expression we get a small glimpse on how she might feel. this is an almost simple photograph but it says a lot. the framing is perfect for it corresponds with the colour of the wall. i like the tones, too. regards,


    I think the second version is way better! In the first one there's too much going on at the right side. Now it's more concentrated on the girl. This creates a very intensive mood, through the colours and the lighting. Very good!


    very nice lighting and tones. but i find the watch a little distracting. the watch catched my attention, but that's what the eyes are supposed to do. respectfully,


    this one is nicely composed, the girl seems relaxed. but it needs to be sharper - try increasing the depth of field. tonality is good, contrast, too. respectfully,

    Flying #3

    What a wonderful image! Nice contrast, the sepia tone fits perfectly. (It could be a little sharper - but that does not bother me too much.) Respectfully,


    This is a very creative and quite unusual portrait. Very well done, but I'd like to see a little more detail of her body... However, wonderful portrait. Respectfully,


    That's an interesting comment Kevin made about the picture and I agree with it. I like the technical aspect (contrast, DOF, tone) very much. But the look on her face is pretty weird IMO. She looks pretty sexy and here is this guy ... but she doens't seem to like this, actually she seems to hate the situation she's in. Wonder why... hm. Very interesting and something to think about. Good job. - Oh, and thanks for the comment on the picture of my brother!!


    This is a beautiful picture. The composition is interesting and the fact that it is a colour print and not a B/W one adds to the effect and the mood of the picture. It catched my intention and I had to take a closer look - there's so much in it, not to forget the black shadows of the silhouettes. I like it a lot.
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