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Image Comments posted by anthony_childers

    Foot bridge

    I like this but there are 3 things that distract me here. 1 the branch haning directly from the top middle. It's not connected to anything, looks funny. 2. the sky is over exposed. Only thing I could think to do here is to take 2 pictures from a tripod one for the exposure you got and another to get better exposure on the sky. If the sun is at the right angle mabye even add a polarizer to deepen the blue and bring out th punch in the leaves far away that look faded. Then using layers in photoshop combint the two for one picture more evenly balanced. 3. The pile of leaves/debris on the forground is distracting to me. I love reflection shots but i would have croped this out. Great subject though, wish I could find more stuff like this to shoot.
  1. Nice! really draws you into the photograph. Only suggestion I could make is to add a 1 stop nd graduated filter. would darken the clouds on top a shade bringing out more detail in them. Also it would make the sunray on the ocean stand out more. this would draw the eye down the road to the lighthouse, pause, then continue out to the horizion.
  2. Good composition. A bit contrasty for my taste though. Looks like you used a polarizer, may have come out more evenly balanced without one. also check you depth of field scales. The forground subject is fuzzy. would add to the picture if it where sharper.


    I might adjust the foucsing point on this one. My eye is not drawn into the photo. I would try to go for having the view drawn past the wine flask into the glass wondering what is in there. I might try to put my point of focus as the leading edge of the glass to have the viewer want to lean over the edge to see in. Otherwise I love the lighting setup and tonality. I would love to know what lighting positions you used and how many lights. It looks like one main from the raer and a fill in the left front but I can't tell.
  3. nice color! The only suggestions I have are keep your subject in mind. I can't tell from looking at the pic what your intended subject is. Also the trees in the back are a stop or so overexposed. I might suggest a 2 stop graduated nuetral density filter. This would darken or "tone down" the background darker than the foreground thus eliminating it as a distraction. My eye is continually drawn back and forth between the foreground shrubs and the trees in the back. I don't believ you meant the trees to be your subject, so doing that would make the foreground seem to stand out more. Hope this is usefull to you.


    great picture. Interesting way to capture the subject! My preference would have been to capture this without the water beads though, as it distracts from the main focus of the pic. Just my thoughts though.
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