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Posts posted by prayermedic

  1. <p >George: </p>

    <p >Thanks for your comments. I too have been in the service of street people as a full time paramedic for 30 years. The four days on and four off gave me great opportunity to run my business. But I like you hated the management side of it. I don’t have any money to burn, but I really do find that when I give it away it comes back to me ten fold. I don’t know how or why it works but it does. Susie Orman the money lady has a free book on Oprah .com a quick pdf download I have not read it yet but there is a big component in it about honesty around money that was life changing for her. You may contact me through my profile if you would like some help. This positive stuff really works, and I will help make it work for you if you are willing to do the necessary tasks.</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >In Peace and Healing</p>

  2. <p >George: </p>

    <p >When ones reality is based in thinking and acting positively, the notion of positive versus reality is an aberrant thought. It appears your reality is based in money, which makes times like this very stressful. I for one would find it a very sad world if all that defined our success was money. I don’t know if you watched the CNN hero program, but none of those people had money; they had vision and passion. I teach leadership, teamwork, conflict management and coaching. I give my time away when it is needed or I contract for thousands a day depending on the groups requirements. </p>

    <p >I don’t feel better on the paid days than I do on the free day; in fact it is most often the other way around. I use my art to facilitate the message in my presentations, and the passion for my art and my subject come through. For me success is in service and the money helps me get it done, whileI live a comfortable life as well.</p>

    <p >Glenn </p>

  3. <p >George:</p>

    <p >("being true to yourself and your art", Reality is reality. Failing to be aware and preparing can lead to failure in any facet of life.)</p>

    <p >The questions that come to mind from your comments make me think that you might have misread the intent of the article or articles you read.</p>

    <p >Question: What part of being true to your art necessitates failure to be aware and manage the business?</p>

    <p >Question: How can you fail to be aware if you are being true to the core of your business?</p>

    <p >I believe that if one is true to something then they are devoted to the care and wellbeing of the nucleus of the entity; in this case our art. The business needs care as well, but the art is the heart of it and is the thing that if we identify with, it will help hold up the business in hard times.</p>

    <p >Anything else appears to me to be saying I can go shoot garbage and sell it, because I’m a better garbage shooter than most. Conversely if you keep your heart in the art instead of your ego, it shows in the art and clients see it as a business practice. (The see that you love their work, it shows, and I as a client want to be part of that. I want you to be part of my event).</p>

    <p >These are hard times and, times when we need to be strong as artists for the sake of our art, and what it does for us at our core. Art in our service is a core value of an art based business. I gave up the business years ago but retain my passion for the art. Every day I hear people say you should sell that stuff, but for now I would rather give it away in support of good causes. </p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >Glenn </p>

    <p > </p>

  4. I find my 24-70 2.8 L to be every bit as sharp as my 200 2.8 L prime. I am very happy with both. I do however often see them discribed in terms of being a good copy which makes me think there may be less than good copies, but advertising of used items is what it is. I'm sad to say I have had to have repairs on the 24-70 because of miss use and it has come back as good as new twice. Oh the shame!
  5. Have a look at the portfolios of the people that are giving you advice. I don't always like the comments that people post about my work, but I do go and investigate where they are speaking from. This is a good place to learn and D Bowens is most correct when he say get a good business plan and plan to spend some money. Always consider the 7 P's

    Prior and proper planing prevents piss poor performance.

  6. I have had both the 24/85 and now the 24/70 2.8 and all I can say is wow. the 2.8 L is brighter sharper and the best lens I have ever used in this range. It is heavy but that is the price of quality. I like that it has a close focus (macro)? I love what it does for clouds, and the blur of the background is as advertised very nice. The 24/85 was a great little lens and I was mostly satisfied until I put L series glass up to my eye, and then nothing else will do. I will now spend the large to get picture improvement in front of the camera so that I can be satisfied with the bodies that I have rather than suffering from 2 megapixlitis.
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