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James G. Dainis

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by James G. Dainis

  1. Maybe anonymous is old school and believes that only pictures taken on film are photos. I remember those arguments years back when digital was first appearing. "If it is not on film then it is a digital image capture and not a photograph". Silly.


    I too like the way you put the sun behind the head of the metal sculpture to make it more dramatic. Nice digital image capture.



    Beautiful colors and a fine composition. Most of the colors of the people seem to be complimentary to the sea and sky. That makes it pleasing to look at.


    I don' know why they have their arms over their heads. I remember an old 1930s movie in which the people moved through a murder mystery house with their hands over their heads, That was to prevent the villain from slipping a garrote around their necks. I shouldn't think they would have to worry about that out in the water.

    white noise

    Very nice post editing. This has a very pleasant, warm look to it. It is also different to see a photo of a cigarette smoker that doesn't involve a craggy faced old coot.


    I like the unintended forced perspective that I seem to see here at a quick glance. For a second it looks like Jorge is holding a one foot high doll until the after the next second I see it is just a another boy in the background.


    That certainly is a different "reflection in a lake" concept. Most people try to create a mirror image. I like it and if you printed it upside down (or just turned it upside down) you would have a different if not strange looking photo. Let people try to guess why.
  2. This is very beautiful with colors having a soft pastel look. I am a traditionalist so I would have place the lake shore exactly 1/3rd down fro the top. But, that may have cropped some of the reflection of the mast on the left so it ran out of the frame on the bottom. Then I would have cloned some of the mast reflection out so it didn't run out of the frame. Maybe it is better to just leave it the way it is rather than to try to improve on its beauty..
  3. Not something that I would want to hang on my wall but amusing and thought provoking if one likes to study compositional elements. A very good composition in capturing this. Also that was a clever fellow who saw the opportunity to add a thought balloon to liven up a commonplace scene.
  4. Nice colors and very good composition. On the wall of a waiting room it would be something interesting for people to study. I do find that little beam of sunlight on the orange leaf to out of place and distracting.

    Lili 1970

    NIce tones, good composition and interesting bokeh. There is just something about this young woman that captivates me. I don't know if it is the way she tilts her head or the smile but she is just charming.
  5. Nice colors and composition. The water streams almost look like jewels. The water stream to her right sort of makes it look like she is squeezing water out of her ear. Still, it is a very nice photo.
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