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Image Comments posted by bunny_snow1664875520

  1. Lighting ratio is too far apart for my preferences. I would prefer to see a 1:2 lighting ratio. Setting the camera for the ambient light, and setting the flash about two stops more, would give more detail on the shadow side of the face. That is, if the camera reads f/8, set the flash to read f/4 and place the flash either in the hot shoe or above and very close to the camera as a fill-in.



    Nice lighting! http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo.tcl?photo_id=506129

    This has all the qualities of lighting a woman, including having the light at an about 45 deg. angle to emphasis form, shape, and texture, which is important when photographing a female form. And, I personally love the Rembrandt lighting on her face. I understand that Rembrandt lighting is generally used on male forms, but it seems to slim down full faces, when the camera is on the shadow side of the face.


    At any rate, you've done a good job.


    Bunny Snow

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