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Posts posted by mitchell_logan

  1. Hi everyone!

    I need some advice. I have been asked to shoot specialty drinks for a

    nightclub to be used for stock advertising photos. They want me to

    shoot on location at the bar and I'm a inexperienced at this type of

    work. Could someone give me a clue as to how to light &/or style the

    photographs? Any help would be appreciated!

    Thanks again!

  2. IMPORTANT---One thing everyone has forgotten to tell you is if you put your equipment in ziploc baggies be sure to put at least one package of silicagel in the baggie. This will get rid of any moisture in the baggie that can ruin your lenses and cameras. I keep at least one or two in all my camera bags. Hey, post some pics of the babes for me will ya!<div>007hzi-17054784.jpg.1b45e0df9d5d3adf43afc0c4eb6c1e5b.jpg</div>
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