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Image Comments posted by bill_odonnell

    Three Poles

    Jeff, your POW led me to your portfolio. I remember having seen your shot Fork in the Mud before as an example for (paid) Professional Critique in the category Landscape at www.the28thfloor.com For me its more interesting than this POW that I didn't have the desire to open from its thumbnail before. I wonder if the former is your favorite for Professional Critique or you have delivered lots photos for it.
  1. Tony, thanks for the explanations!


    Morwen, I never noticed who said it to me. Now, youre telling me it was you. I want to give some 1/1 ratings to your photos in revenge, but have just seen 0 uploaded photos in your portfolio vs. more than 100 comments. What are you striving for here? Only as Tonys bodyguard?-) If you like you can write an email to me, but not in this thread any more which is going to be in a mess (sorry, for my part).

  2. Tony,


    I remember, as a response to my comment, someone (a follower of yours, Ellen would say) said to me: no one asks you to read these long captions if you dont like them, or something like that (I dont want to go back to that thread any more). So, wouldnt you be unpleasant and annoyed if you commented a photo critically and got to hear Listen, no one asks you to look at it if you dont like it?


    I first found your reply quite reasonable. Later, I doubted if I understood your well-known irony rightly.-)


    Take care, my master!

  3. Ellen, I experienced the same thing by commenting Tonys style to write record-long captions to speak for his photos earlier. I would advise you to listen to Tony and his friends in order to avoid becoming Julia No 2. It was really amazing to see in Juliass threads what these established members were capable to produce. So, take care my fellow newbie!

    purple lady

    An eye-catching shot, excellent lighting, composition and timing. I just would like to see a sharper image to enjoy the fine details. Hmmm, quality lose due to slide > print > scanning, if you dont have a slide scanner. I think its a woman. Look at the bad and the figure.
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