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Image Comments posted by mcreider

    A Ticklish Situation

    First, the idea of tickling is great, thank you for sharing. Second, the cropping is OK, as far as I am concerned - I somehow think you know what you do. One stop under - I eally don't know, not sure that the photos have to be bright, after all you have a spot of the pure white here. The hot spot is IMHO also OK, I personnaly hate "correct" compositions, they are dead and boring.
  1. Tony, your cutting is perfect. This man is alone with his memories, but these people are a part of his past. But only a part. He may be does not remember the faces of his young friends, it's just a faded memory.

    Guys, you know what? Art is about symbols, just try to read them. I somehow believe that Tony knows exactly what and why he is doing.

  2. Dear Tony. In terms of photography this an excellent, actually a flawless shot. And you have nothing to be ashamed of. You did not kill anybody, you did not seduce a teenager, you are not a drug dealer (at least you don't speak about it in your comments). And it was not you who ruined this man's life. In situations like this, the question is how you present your character. And the first words I uttered when opening this picture were "Honest and humane." Because when you look at this man's eye you think - oh, poor thing, the life was quite cruel to you. This man is very sad, but he still is a human being. Now compare him to some healthy politician with dead eyes.


    I understand your deliberations far too well - I am a journalist and a few years ago I on my free will went with my camera to a site of a terror attack in Tel Aviv (which happened to be just around the corner). I spent there a whole day, climbing on the roofs, entering other persons' apartments to get a better vision of the site, together with a pack - yes sir, a pack of jackals - of reporters. But this is the life and we have this urge inside us, we are story tellers (some are more talented, like you, and some far less, but it does not matter). I felt like a shit but when you decide that you are professional you just do your job honestly. And in your case - also humanly. Sorry for a long comment - but Cartier Bresson used to say that for him to push the button of the camera was to say "yes" to the things which he either loved or hated. Yes - it exists.

  3. TOny, this is one more splendid b/w of yours. I can hardly understand what Cartier Bresson has to do with this series - you have your own and very distinct style - one could have mentioned another name, that of Diana Arbus, yet again, not as smbd who has influenced your directly, but rather as an artist with a similar view
  4. Hi Tal!

    This is a beautiful and correctly done picture, but I somehow feel that you can be more creative, I mean, many persons passing by this place have already made this shot (and many will do in the future). There's nothing wrong about it, and we see your wife, but where are you?

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