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Image Comments posted by hanna_cowpe


    Peter, this has a fine balance in composition and pleasing tones. Your timing is great in placing the people in their movement. The image has a very relaxing painterly appeal.
  1. Les, this is a great shot with lovely light capturing all the architectural detail. Would you consider rotating it to the vertical? I think that would give it a greater sense of height with the organ balcony appearing nearer the viewer. Well done for taking the initiative to get the best angled shot.
  2. Paolo, I like your choice of limited colour and the subdued lighting. Is this window light? You have done a good study of the garlic bulbs showing all angles. What I find interesting is the mood you have created by your positioning of the bulbs. The two on the right appear passive and comfortable, like a familiar couple sitting in the sun. The two on the left, however, create a feeling of tension. The second in is dominant in the upright position and it is pushing the end one nearly over the edge. Perhaps I need to go out and get some fresh air. These long dreary winters make one too analytical.


    Thankyou for your kind comment on my portfolio.

    Trees in Fog

    Hi Brad. This is a wonderful image with a beautiful tonal range. You've achieved nice depth with the sharp detail in the foreground grass, through the main feature of the tree and off into the distance in the fog. I like the fact you have decided to put the tree front and centre and keep the road coming from the edge of the scene. This allows the viewer to appreciate the detail and beauty of the tree before wandering down the road. You appear to be enjoying your b&w work and I'm sure many others are enjoying it too. I always do. Congratulations on your exhibit and also your award winners in B&W magazine.
  3. I think a little detail may have been lost in the light areas, but you did a pretty good job on the skew correction. Ideally I should have stepped back for this shot, but I seem to recall there was limited space. Perhaps someday I'll get back there for another try. Thanks for your effort.


    Beverley, this was a very simple setup. The sunflower was in a vase set in a bay window which has light coming from from south, west and north. I used a piece of black matt board as background. The lens was a very inexpensive 50mm fixed lens. I don't like to use flash so the light needs to be good and you need to use a tripod. Thanks for your comments.

    Hold Me Close

    Beverly, thankyou so much for your considered comments on my images. These older ones were taken with a small Olympus which always amazed me with its results. And tulips are especially photogenic flowers and fun to photograph.

    Redbud leaves

    Jenny, this has a wonderful composition, depth of field, colour and subtle even light which has brought out the richness of the hues. I think it has all come together in a greatly aesthetic image that's a pleasure to view.
  4. Hi David, I love the dynamics of the granite emphasized by your angle of shooting. The light and shadows give it great texture and dimension. What really catches my eye is that splash of colour at bottom left created by the lichen. I have become quite taken by the granite formations around our shoreline here on the island and find them fascinating and versatile subjects, ever changing in the light.


    I've enjoyed your lakeside images through the years. All the best in the new year.

    Came the Rain

    Jerry, thanks so much for visiting my "archives". It's a pleasant surprize to see one of my favourite images still being appreciated. I'll give the accent line a try.

    Going Home

    Steve, this was one of those lucky grab shots, taken while trying to keep up with my husband while walking Paris. As I rushed past a side alley this scene caught my eye and I had to have it. The reflection was something I didn't notice 'til viewing it on the monitor. Thanks for stopping for a look and comment.
  5. You've captured a nice placement of the wings and a good wake. Choppy grey water is not an ideal setting for the subject but I think you've done well with what you had as it's a difficult bird to expose in these conditions.


    The light is nice and has really brought out the texture and warm tones in the rust and paint. The moss and condensation on the glass provides some additional interest in the pattern and direction. I would like to see a crop excluding the chrome arc, which would make the subject less identifiable, simpler and more abstract. Nonetheless it's an attractive image.
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