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Image Comments posted by patrick_byrne_photography

  1. "Photography" is derived from the Greek words photos ("light") and graphein ("to draw") The word was first used by the scientist Sir John F.W. Herschel in 1839. Photography is a method of recording images by the action of light, or related radiation, on a sensitive material. On a summer day in 1827, it took eight hours for Joseph Nicéphore Niépce to obtain the first fixed image. About the same time a fellow Frenchman, Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre was experimenting to find a way to capture an image, but it would take another dozen years before he was able to reduce the exposure time to less than 30 minutes and keep the image from disappearing ushering in the age of photography.




    I shoot with an EOS 300 and certainly, when comparing this with my previous SLR, I feel I'm becoming a digital photographer. Whilst this is not true, processes I use to capture an image are somewhat more "user friendly" than those mentioned above . Does this make any image I produce unworthy of praise by earlier standards? what if I had I been shooting with a Nikon D1 ?

    A "good eye" is a gift behind all talented photographers. Equipment and knowledge of its use is something that can be obtained by anyone with time, learning and of course a few drachma. This POW I believe to be a perfect example of the artist having a good eye and on that basis, congratulations Joshua.

    Having previously worked with graphics, I have a healthy knowledge of Photoshop and as a photographer, I refuse to use such applications with my hobby, as I like to make a distinction between graphic design and photography. Post photographic manipulation in the Darkroom is an art on its own.

    I will finish by remembering seeing this image before on Photo.net and will stick to my guns - that if this image were mine all my friends would have seen it by now. Great eye!



  2. I do like the original image and am not sure that the cropping above or other such suggestions can offer an improvment. I do however wonder what the picture would have been had it been panned down a fraction. What is there? sea or more rock. The rock itself with its lovely detail conveys a lovely sense of remotness which perhaps is one of impressions this photo gives - a cold comedy? This is somthing that only the photographer knows and perhaps even tried. Overall I like this photograph and would be delighted if it were mine. The colours work as indeed do the centering of the penguins. Congrats!!!



    If a man had never seen a fish before, then surly he would marvel at a photo of Hubert (a resident in my home aquarium)! Likewise with this photograph, were images of the homeless might be "a dime a dozen" in some environments, you can be sure in others that they are not. That is not to say that we should appreciate an image due to its unfamiliarity, just that we should not dismiss an image because its been done before! In my opinion, an image of this nature should evoke a feeling, an emotion or thought, before we pass on and look at the next photograph, a penguin eating a rabbit on some remote block of ice. For me, this image conveys a sense of hope. This is a photograph of a man begging for help, who, whilst in a desperate situation, is still able to offer good advice; a man who is desperate but nowhere near destroyed. The subject is not the man, I believe it to be his message.


    I myself am new to photography. I am delighted to hear that the negative, of this image includes the rest of his only foot, but Im also surprised, as I would have thought the photographer would not have posted this print due to this obvious flaw. Also, in the darkroom, the printer who is concerned with presentation (I like the toning and range of tones) also ignores the specks of dust in the upper left corner and throughout the image. I think that these two errors are enough to destroy the best of photographs, and therefore I find conclusive fault with its printing. I do like the tones, horizontal white likes, depth of field, all adding to the sense of hope, the man looks like he is in a race, trying to achieve, not giving up, what do you think life is about??


    Patrick Byrne

  3. A woman who can convey emotion to this extent whilst keeping such a conservative stance is wonderful to witness let alone capture with a camera . The mood of deep lonely emotion is captured excellently here and is enhanced with the stark contrasts and tones. The sense of lonliness is also conveyed by the 3 characters having their own clearly defined areas on the print - the singer being centered works as does the photo in total.


    Well Done!

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