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Image Comments posted by zodina

  1. Absolutely beautiful .. wish i was there too to see with my own eyes that moment.. you have some wonderful photos in your portfolio but this one is my favorite simply for the colours regardless of the subject


    I think that photo.net takes alot of patience. There are after all so many photos uploaded that alot can just slip through the net uncommented upon for quite some time. I also find that normally its the photos that are not your favourite everyone else just jumps upon and loves or has alot to say about them. Hang in there Idan :o)
  2. Thanks for the comments.. As far as the DOF being distracting do you think maybe its becuase i did a bad touch up job of a small shadow that was falling on her cheek just below her right eye? I slightly blurred it to disguise my touch up and so maybe this caused a more unnatural DOF ? Or should i still try to increase the DOF for this photo and other similar types of shot in the future? Your thoughts on this are appreciated, thankyou
  3. Thanks to all who took the time to look at these photos, rate and leave comments.

    Tom- the black box is simply a deep cardboard box completely sealed with a hole cut into the side and the inside painted black. I positioned the box in an area of the room where a shadow was cast and used a lamp low to the ground and pointed away from the box towards us.

    Eugene- At this stage of the shooting I was trying to capture the reflections and not concerened too much with the objects though i also wish the upper left reflection was softer as i desired the main focus to be on the bottom one.

    Kyle- after reading your comments i feel more educated as i had never heard of Joseph Wrights experiments and so i sought it out on the net and had myself an interesting little read. thanks :o)

    Honey Bee


    I especially like the vivid colours on this bee shot. Beautiful. I find the 3 thingymagigs coming out of the flower though alittle distracting. But I do understand how hard it is to catch the busy bees sharply on macro shots and then on top of that arrange pleasingly in the frame whatever they landed on - i have failed so far myself and thus contend myself with shots of inebriated and heat striken flies :o(

    well done !


    Its such a shame there was a car in your way here to make the angle of the shot alittle more difficult and on top of that the focus is on the kittens behind. Other than that I can see the potential of this shot. It portrays the curiosity of youth
  4. hehehe not my little girl it seems.. shes hitting the teenage years very early .. I am also blessed with a camera shy dog who bolts at the first sight of the camera which makes finding subjects round here to practise on alittle hard ( hence i just have to settle taking shots of my fish who is trapped in a tank and has no where to hide, and you cannot tell if its pulling a sulky face either)
  5. Considering I have given this picture a low rating I guess i should also leave a comment aswell explaining why.

    I just feel that the cut and paste job on this is too evident. The background picture used is of a less pixel quality and i can also see a black outline on the foreground in some areas. Whilst the strong and almost hypnotic pattern on the left shell is very interesting i feel it only serves to unbalance the whole composition.

    This is just what i feel and i am only a newbie to photography and photoshop. I too have taken some shell pictures lately and mine turned out terrible :o)

  6. Thankyou Marc, that is high praise for a newb such as I and Seven , hehehe, well what can I say ? hmm I am title-isticly challenged! Oh and I love your photo entitled Rusticate. If I said i am the "blonde" do I stand a chance of getting a free print? :oP

    Hope you had a great Christmas.

    p.s does anyone else see the scarey face ( other than my own of course) in the reflection ?

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