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Image Comments posted by sevinsky


    You have many fantastic portraits and this one stands out. The eyes, expression, condition, are all very striking. I would like to see more images of this subject. The B&W is much better than the color. Well done!

    Nina mb2

    I am a purist and I hate sprinkles on my cupcakes, but this is a great and original photograph. If that chocolate and sprinkles are edible I will really be impressed. Well done!


    Was it windy and you froze the action or was the hair just like this? Nice portrait of an interesting subject.

    Easter portraits

    Thanks Christine, Jeremy, and Sandy. I appreciate your comments. Sandy, the backdrop was about 1.5-2 feet behind the subject. The hot spot on her left cheek was most likely due to the flash behind the backdrop not being centered behind her and being too close. I don't have a lot of room to work in, but if I can find a larger area I can probably increase that distance as you suggested and use the 105 mm (the backdrop is not large). Thanks again!

    Easter portraits


    I am working with one Alien Bees 800 flash, a softbox, and a nikon SB-

    800 off-camera, along with the various household sheets and some

    white posterboard as a reflector. I angled the AB800 at about 45

    degrees on the right, the posterboard on the left, and the SB-800

    with diffuser dome mounted as a slave behind the sheet overexposing

    by 2 stops. Any comments or critiques would be appreciated. Thanks!


    I like this. Nice colors. I wonder if it would look better without the people. Having been to Neuschwanstein Palace I know it is very hard to get any pictures without people in them. Have you tried to PS them out?

    White Magic

    Having made the trek into Garden of the Gods on more than one occasion, in the dark, in the snow, I really enjoy this photograph. Although I understand the comments about the bottom of this photograph being cluttered, I enjoy it because it reminds me of what it actually feels like to be there. Great job!

    I see Mommy!

    Thanks for your comments Ali, Jerry, and Carla. I agree that the near eye being out of focus is unfortunate. It was my first time trying to take studio shots and with the baby moving and myself moving some things just got out of focus. I think if I increase the DOF and use continuous focusing I might be able to prevent this in the future.

    I see Mommy!


    Just starting out with studio photography and I would welcome any

    critiques. I think the obvious improvements are 1) better DOF (I

    was moving, she was moving, etc.), 2) make sure my camera is at ISO

    200 rather than 800 to reduce noise in the shadows (got distracted

    with the new studio strobe and figuring out how to work it), and 3)

    remove her top for this type of baby picture. What else? Thanks!



    Hi Sasha,


    I am very much the amateur so my advice is not the voice of experience. I have not tried any high key photography yet so I don't know what to do about the background. For the fill, the reflector needs to be very close and at the right angle. I would suggest checking out http://www.photoflexlightingschool.com. They seem to have a lot of great free material and I have seem them recommended more than once on photo.net. Good luck!





    I like this concept. I would like to see softer light though. The light seems to hard such that there appears to be a shadow on the right side of the models face from her arm. Good job though.


    I would like to see more fill on the left side of the face, and I don't like being able to see what appears to be the octagonal shape of the softbox behind the backdrop and the edges of light that it creates.


    The only thing I find distracting is the crop so close to the eyes. For me it draws too much of the attention away from the rest of the photo because I keep trying to see the eyes/rest of the face.

    Water III

    Although the big drop catches my attention first, I really like the series of faces going off the bottom of the photo. Nice work!


    I like this. Nice mood and light. The only thing I find slightly distracting is the light sky along the top of the image. I wish it was darker. Other than that, excellent.
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