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Image Comments posted by mary_sue_hayward

  1. The colors here make me happy. The lower 3 flowers are lit well. I suspect it was difficult to light the darker red flower and the white flower equally, but this is good. The only change I would suggest is to anchor the flowers somehow, perhaps with stems below the bouquet. No matter what, this is pleasing to my eye.

    Flame (1)

    I love the view on this flower, but to me it would be improved if there was a bit of light reflected onto those top petals to soften the shadow, and perhaps some fill reflected onto the lower right. It is difficult in macro work to get the light to do what you need, since at times the camera is positioned in a way to block light.
  2. Both the B&W and color versions of this are nice, but I think my favorite is the color. For some reason the warmth provided by the color seems consistent with the tenderness in the image, but that is strictly a personal impression. Both are lovely.
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