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big james

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Image Comments posted by big james

  1. Actually Paul it's good to break the rules sometimes and I think being central in this image doesn't hurt it. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Why don't you tell me how you would have improved upon the image?
  2. I hope you all enjoy this image. I started giving myself

    assignments at the begining of the year. The assignments were

    simple but I had to produce 3 images a day. As you can tell from

    this shot I am moving along pretty good. Your comments are welcome

    and I wouldn't mind hearing them.




  3. Nice photo the angle you selected detracts from the image just a bit. Overall great photo would like you revist with you D100 white balance with a 16% grey card and then punch up the color in curves. Should be a really good shot. Don't be afraid to get wet.
  4. Well it could be do to the fact that this is a cut down JPG image. What format did you capture this image in (High JPG, TIFF, or RAW)? The context of the picture is ok way too much negative space. Is the building the subject or is it the hill? If the building is what you are trying to show in context of the hill you can still cut some of the image off top and bottom enlarging the building and giving it more detail as well as enhancing the reflection. You could also punch up the color a bit in photoshop to make that blue really stand out.
  5. This another image I captured at the Wild Animal park in San Diego.

    Scissor Ants are relentless and destructive foes. Once the colony

    has found a suitable plant for consumption the worker ants begin

    dismantling it and work only on one plant at a time. I captured

    this guy going home with my 500 mm mirrored lens.

    Clawed Hand




    I like the photo was wondering if you had a different view on it? Maybe a slight angle something to hide the distracting fingers and put more influence on the claws. Overall great shot and thanks for commenting on my photos I always read them and try to learn from them.


    Best regards,



    F U C K Y O U !

    I see some people really took a negative view of my image but I can only see the positive out come. You commented it struck a nerve within you meaning the photo did it's job. I am happy with my results.



    I try to find different subjects and I think this girl embodies the

    true spirit of a punk girl. I would love to hear your comments on

    this picture.

    F U C K Y O U !


    This model and I are working together to do some street photography

    work. We needed to get together to learn how to work with each

    other. I like the results and that's all that really matters. Your

    comments are welcome and check out the entire folder.

    catching a nap


    I like the feet sticking out of the bars would have been great to get that as the focus. I just a close up would have been good. As well as what others have said about needing more impact, knowing more about the subject, etc...



    I can see form the image the things that people are calling bugs are really the fishing nets with anchors resting on them. I agree with comments on the color filter hitting the sand. Maybe he should have turned the filter slighting to run right up to the sand. The only problem there is he might not have gotten the complete pile of nets. Good shot overall I like it and look forward to seeing more.

    Crystal Mill

    This makes me miss home. I have been here with my Dad back in the 80's wonderful place to see. I have seen several photographs of the mill but non this striking. Very nice!
  6. Thank you for the comments on the makeup. Actually it was done by me and it was only the second time I have done makeup before. I agree it was too strong and I I hope to make you proud next time. Thanks again for the feedback. At last someone comments on my work.

    Gina #6


    The lighting on the house is amazing and so is the shot. Thanks again for answering the questions I look forward to seeing more of your work.


    Best regards,


    James Rulison

    Gina #6


    Jörg I really love your work. I find myself tinkering in my studio oh so much more every time I look at one of your photo's.


    Two Questions:


    1.) Was the house a set built in the studio? If not what or how was this done?


    2.) I have looked at a lot of your photo's do you use a mild soft filter on the camera as well?


    Best regards,

    James Rulison

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