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Image Comments posted by shore_town

    Foggy boat

    i agree, it probably would have benefited from a little more saturation in the boat colors. Good try considering the conditions. One other thought, it may have also helped if you were closer putting more of the boat and less of the background in the frame (probably not possible due to your position constraints)
  1. I was crouched down underneath the plant so that the flower was isolated against the sky. I believe the camera was set to macro mode and I was very close to the flower(hence the blurred left hand portion)

    Cathedral 1

    I think the composition is very interesting. I wish there was a little more detail in the lower portion of the building. Also the sky is too flat. Finally (promise) the tree branches in the up right are a little distracting. I'm picturing the exact same composition in color with direct late afternoon sun bringing out golden tones of the building contrasted against a blue sky with flecks of rippling clouds. Thanks for allowing me to pontificate, enjoyed looking at your photos, and thanks for rating one of mine!
  2. Took a look at your portfolio and was immediatly drawn to this photo. You have an eye for capturing beauty in places that one would not expect to find it! I like how the depth of field is limited and the focus centers on the 2nd box from the right. If i were faced with this scene and wanted to try to improve on it, i might have considered changing the composition so that the bank of switch boxes are not located in the center of the frame. Looking forward to your next upload!
  3. Think you did a good job on the exposure and the composition. The colors are pleasing to the eye as well as the converging verticals. As far as improving on the photo, the human element might add another level of interest. Maybe one person seeking some momentary solitude from the outside world. Another thought that just struck me was to raise the viewpoint level, either by taking advantage of a balcony or possibly standing in a pew (probably would be frowned upon).
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