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Posts posted by brett_daniels

  1. I wish to purchase a Leica for an avid photographer friend of mine as a gift. Price is not a consideration but quality and usability is.




    I want opinions about both present models and past models. I will hunt for it if I decide it is right, so don't worry about scarcity.




    What are three of the best Leicas ever made for photographic use? They must be usuable even today, be able to stand up to a little abuse, go traveling, etc. Modern day usage with either a present or past day camera. The guy I am buying for is really a rabid Leica fan so I would rather get this right than wrong. He seems to prefer the older stuff but...I leave it in your hands. Also, with your opinion, would you please put the expected cost of the item if you know it. Thanks for any and all help.





  2. I have been looking at both the Fuji 645 Series and the Mamiya 6s and 7. I want to take the 35mm a step up. However, I have a "bulkiness" and "sturdiness" requirement. I travel a lot. I usually take a day pack which has limited space. I don't want a lot of weight and I DO NOT want bulk. I am a Canon Elph size kind of guy for this. I also can go a bit extreem and need a durable camera. What are your thoughts on this issue and in particular on the Fuji 645 Series. I guess what I am looking for is the smallest, lightest medium format camera that lets me go both auto and manual. The GA645Zi is great for the zoom I am told. All thoughts and comments or direction to articles would be greatly appreciated.
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