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Image Comments posted by ken_imduaikiat2

  1. Considering your execution, this one certainly is original & fantastic. Timing, angle, and choice of f-length were just perfect for the situation. Dark & dramatic sky in the back added power to the exclusively exposed steel cables... leading the eyes to a stark-looking structure in the distance--which is further emphasized with the hilighted background crowning the very top of the structure. FYI: try a crop without the foreground light-post and see if you like it better. Good luck.
  2. Well Joel, since you'd gone through the trouble working on this image digitally. I recomend that you remove a little dry branch that hung down the top left corner...


    A very attractive portrait. Perfect tone. Selective focusing soften the statue in the background which, in this case, filled the space quite nicely. One thing to add... the piece of cloth was leading from her neck up and out of the left edge which was a bit disturbing.... Well, I assume you must have a good reason not to include the left side of the statue...



    Thank you all for your comments and ratings. Bob, I don't get your point. You wrote "Is everybody here new to photonet? This shot has been done on here a lot." Are you suggesting that in order to achieve high marks in term of visual quality, an image has to be perfect in the film? Is manipulation technique of any sort automatically disqualify the work from being "original"? As far as the ethicality is concerned, I did disclosed my methods of digital alternation in the tech. detail quite clearly. This image is exactly what I imagined when I pressed the shutter. That's includes croping out the lady (contributor) which was done in-camera and later I did cropped about 15% off the bottom.. there's nothing there anyway.


    Lastly, leaving the three faces out from the sceen was my original intention; I guess it just a different way of telling the story. You argued that this is not an effective way to communicate. I have absolutely no problem with your opinion on this part. In fact, I do respect and appreciate your rating, But your phylosophy which reflected upon the quoted sentenses puzzled me.

  3. Looks like I missed the train here. Odd ratings are usually from either the uninformed new members who aren't well aware of the rating criterias or the new photographers who hasn't learn much about art appreciation. Well, looks like the raiting was removed or adjusted--good for you. Anyway, about this piece, certainly best in the folder.... minimalistic & perfect.


    The person on the right is a bit close to the edge. Other than that, it a good journalistic catch. I especially like your looking-up angle... add a sense of hope to the environment, apart from capturing background info.
  4. 50,000+ hits!!..... This is one heck of a POW-- this piece deserves such level of exposure. Also I do have one thing to say: If you know your work is for real but some people don't approve... don't go to all the trouble trying to pull them out of a pool of ignorance. But if you are a genuine pretender, time would unmask your real character and you will pay for it. Personally for me I don't care much if this is a product of back-to-the-basic photography or digitally-manipulated methods... what I saw on the monitor pleases my eyes and I give you all the credit for it. Good luck.
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