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Image Comments posted by k._s._lovington

  1. Jason, its not becoming commercial, its just becoming much, much more popular. Had

    you gone in '04(or if you go in '05), you'd notice not a single piece of corporate

    advertisment anywhere. Go in '05. They don't come any more Norweigan than me, so if

    my skin can take it, anyone's can. You just have to be prepared.



    What isn't artistic about skin and hair melting into a wall? Just reading that sentence

    makes me want to try it.


    btw, maybe our monitors are alot different, but I see alot of difference between her face

    and the wall. not so much with the hair, though.


    Also, in line with what Marc said earlier somewhere, this chick kind of looks like Courtney

    Love...in a very non-Courtney Love-ish setting. That is unnerving.



    Here we have an obviously talented photographer(artistically and technically) going out

    and trying something far off the norm...and very successfully, imo. Yes, the lighting is

    flat. Yes, the model looks kind of plastic-like. And yes, the colors are kind of muted,

    muddy, and lacking contrast. Why photos(fashion, in this case) always have to fit some

    people's pre-conceived ideas, is something I will never understand. Its painfully obvious

    that this was the look he was going for here.


    think we, as viewers, have the responsibility to ourselves to be a little more open-minded.




    I don't like this photo because the colors don't gel together well, and this is more about

    color than nature or anything else. I mean, seriously, they just don't match well(I think its

    the background?). In nature, everything looks good with everything-whether it be dirt or

    bugs or light. It just all works. The color just doesn't jive in this photo. Its the equivilent

    of an uncool dude who's just trying too hard to be cool. Even though he's got some cool

    gear and some hip attitude, he's lacking the soul and therefore is coming up short.

  2. Heine, I trust you're wise enough to not listen to the retarded advice given to you by the previous posters. Fill flash would make this like...like...oh yeah! like everyone else's photo. So, maybe it doesn't work on every level(especially that lightpost), but at least its an honest attempt at something out of the ordinary. Let the naysayers keep reading Popular Photography and preach about the capabilities of their digital rebels and the compatible fill-flash...you just keep doing your own thing. Peace brother.



    ...things don't jive!! This model looks like a Star Trekkie who forfeited her traditionally

    stereotypical garb for the headwrapped-saint look. I'm not trying to bash her, she just

    doesn't fit.

    Huddle in the fog

    Richard, the previous comment was the worst advice I've heard in a long time. Without a doubt, the fog anchors this photo. The classic quality of the teams uniforms helps as well. If anything, I would have turned it vertical or backed up...whatever I could do to include more of the fog. In my little world, it would occupy at least 3/4 of the frame, as the light works beautifully within it. cheers
  3. The whole slow shutter/blurred water effect has reached cliche status. To me, this doesn't

    mean that it can't be used successfully-far from it. It just means that it has to be applied

    as a circumstance calls for it in order to work.


    This just doesn't work. The contrast is weird and the composition is uncomfortable. The

    beautiful gradient caused by the technique and the materials is nice, but more is needed.

    This lacks soul. cheers


    Very nice. Sexy, but not so much that it takes away from the fact that there is more going on here. That grey thing on top is kind of distracting, though. Also, the daker hair falling on her chest looks like it was placed there for a reason, but in a kind of heavy-handed way. cheers
  4. One of very few photos I've seen that actually looks better with a black border. Excellent work. If I had to nit pick, I'd say the dodge on the house is a little much, or maybe too circular. Something in there feels strange, but its a sweet piece of work either way. cheers

    Aspen Gold


    This image is eye-catching, no doubt. When I asked myself what about this caught my

    eye, though, something happened. I realized I didn't like this photo at all. At first, the

    velvia-like colors pop and the qwerky perspective is ooo-la-la. After a short time, though,

    I noticed the shadow in the corner, the poo-brown base of the tree, and a forced(albeit

    novel) use of a lens that just doesn't seem to fit.


    I don't understand the previous comment. If you weren't in this, it would be dull, psuedo art and it wouldn't be funny. As it is, its a good statement for how a guy feels about this whole shopping experience(at least this guy). Its funny. cheers.
  5. It is a well conceived image, for sure. I'm not sure if absolute symmetry is needed here as the other guy suggested, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Personally, I might get the keys and the paper a little closer than they are now in terms of luminescence.


    As always, I would trash the border-it helps nothing in this context. cheers



    Fantastic portrait. Very dignified, and completely devoid of fluff.


    One major, major problem for me though. This photo is raw and pure. This border is contrived and cheesy. I am yet to see a digital border(other than a thin black line) that would make this or any photo look better than it already does. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Beautiful photo, though. cheers

    seagull beauties


    Absolutely fabulous. The thumbnail jumped off the page at me. Looks almost unreal(I hope it isn't). If anything, I think it might look a little more solid if some of the upper left was burned slightly to balance it out, as it is mostly weighted to the bottom right.


    I know exactly how you feel about shooting seagulls. They have so much personality. Plus, they're suckers for food so their easy to work with. cheers


    ...that may be so, but I'm not inspired to wonder about this photo. I don't feel tension, either, just a lack of some sort of balance(not always bad, I know, just not working here). cheers


    I think her whole look(tattoo included) would better lend itself to a non-nude, portrait-style photo. As it is now, I see body art and naked body, but they don't really blend together in a very seamless way. Seems kind of uncomfortable. Beatiful light, though. NBC tattoo is fantastic, too. cheers

    Point of view


    Just because we can do something in ps doesn't mean we should. What does this effect achieve?


    Converging lines are neat for the 1st semester photo student who almost inevitably photographs railroad tracks(pick a track, any track). After that, it needs to be done a little more sparingly and carefully to succeed. Applying it in post does nothing but fart on an otherwise nice photo(upon further inspection, I actually noticed that this image had nice light and tone).


    Can any of the heapers-of-praise share how this effect actually works to IMPROVE the image?

  6. You have photographed on of the most riveting moments in a human life, so now what. Please don't think that that alone is enough to carry a photo, because many photographers have done it before...and bettter.


    Whether they had posted 1, 2, or 2,000 photos at the time of their rating, it doesn't change the fact that this photo has alot of room for improvement. The composition is too inclusive, too messy, and the light is too obviously that of the on-camera flash variety. Also, the quality is lacking. Highlights are blown out and everything looks like a over-interpolated thumbnail.


    Photographing an event of this magnitude, as rare as it may be done, does not automatically make a photo work on an asthetic level. cheers.

    Emerald Bay

    This is the most overly stimulating photo I've seen here. I can't figure out what I should look at, because everything is in focus and evenly lit. The composition isn't good enough to break through the mess of stuff. Perhaps there are better times to utilize huge amounts of focus. cheers

    Alders, Quarry

    I like most everything about this. The one thing that bothers me is the right 1/8 or so of the photo. I don't like the way the rocks end and turn into a mush of darkness(foreground trees?). I took the liberty of cropping that off for my own purposes and I really liked the way it came out. Great subject, though. cheers
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