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Posts posted by k._s._lovington

  1. I like the idea of no more than 3 per week. Too many people seem inclined to load multiple variations of the same photo. Indiscriminate raters then rate all variations equally. The next thing you know, the variations of a single photo are taking up a sizable block of the top rated page, squeezing out others that much more. I would hope that this limit would make the photographer a little more discerning of his or her own work.


    This is a good time to touch on one huge negative aspect of digital cameras(which I love). Unfortunately, digital cameras do not suddenly make a bad photographer a good photographer. They just make it that much easier for a bad photographer to get loads of their images into places like PN. I've noticed that a disproportionate amount of the most unrefined images on this site seem to be coming from digital cameras. I urge said digital photographers to be more respectful to the medium, despite their new toys. Sorry for the rant. cheers.

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