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Image Comments posted by x_y1

  1. I wouldn't get rid of anything on the backround, it's what gives this shot cinematic appeal. Yes, we know most people think a pretty character in the frame is enough but my interest in this picture lays elsewhere. I find myself conjuring up explanations to her facial expression, the particular scenery..why is she there, etc. Of course the fact that she's posing for the shot does diminish some of the interest, but only slightly. I think you did a nice job in the framing here and her expression is mystifying enough to draw you deeper into the scene. Do post more. (-: L
  2. this could be a really effective snap. however i find that the left corner is a bit too busy. could be cropped out maybe so that the front faceless mystery and the back of the woman remains solely. but spontaneous pics, i know how it is. nice effort. you have a definete knack for observing the world behind the camera. greetings.



    Hi Critter. As you know i'm not a leather, etc.

    fan but this one has a lovely composition that

    deserves to be acknowledged. My greetings, L.

    Great Wave


    Such a creative use of a cat/fur ! At first glance i also mistook this for a field. But then,

    i love little optical illusions like these. I can

    see your handwriting on this. (-: Greetings.

  3. hmmn.. i see where you're going here but i don't think it works so well IMHO. Black and white might help as i don't think the colour of the floor matches well with the skin tone. It doesn't create the effect sought after here. But this is an idea that could be improved, je pense.

    Greetings, L.



    I quite like this. I for one have never been able to find interesting shapes in objects..i consider this creative and aesthetic! As for the red text,

    keep it but simply add a frame to the picture

    and move it there. Problem solved in a compromise.

    Greetings back, L.

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