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Posts posted by mmozer

  1. I still couldn't have a change to test whether this causes exposure

    error. But let's say camera tells you f=2 for some lighting situation

    (dept of field off). But if you use the dept of field option and try

    to reach the "dot" at the bottem of the scale to manually adjust the

    exposure you end up with about f=4. Quite an inconsistancy...




    Thanks and cheers...





  2. I have an ae-1 vith 50 mm. 1.4 lens. When I am working at moderate f-stops, I obviously observe one f-stop change in the meter for one stop change of the aperture while using dept of field option. But this is not so if the f-stop is close to extremes - namely the changes 1.4 -> 2 -> 2.8 does not correspond to one stop change on the meter. What is the reason for that and are there some points I should be carefull about while working at such large apertures regarding exposure adjustment? Thanks a lot ...
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