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Image Comments posted by dan_sheppard

  1. Good shot.


    Good focus on the right eye (its left eye), nice texture on the fur, great catchlight in its eyes.


    My first reaction was,"cute cat, but why is it a productivity killer?" Then I saw the keyboard. One suggestion is to show a bit more of the keyboard, so it becomes evident sooner.


    The small corner of the screen which shows above its head is a small distracter too, as the blue is the brightest color in the photo.


    It is a cute cat. Nice luck getting it to stay put. Whenever I go get my camera, my cat is gone when I return. She plans it that way; I am certain.




    I do not agree with adjusting the horizon, evidenced by the far right tree. To me, it looks perfectly straight. If it is off, it must by a teensy bit.


    I think the power of the sloping horizon is neat. Beautiful sky, snow. Very nice detail in the snow, where the "S" curve shows.


    The smaller signature is definitely better.



    Love the shot.


    Especially the side-lighting. Good catchlight in his eyes. I like those swirrly whiskers that come out his eyelashes.


    Nice color, too. I agree with the lighting correction around his mouth.



  2. WHOA. I saw him out of the corner of my eye, approaching my position

    from the left, behind trees. I started tracking him and then just

    held down the shutter release to beat the band.

    Trick or Treat


    This guy was pretty daring and walked up to our glass door, with a

    cat watching from the other side.


    Our variety of squirrel (Washington State - Western Gray Squirrel)

    can get to the size of a small adult cat. I guess it is no

    surprise...ours are corn and peanut-fed.

    Bull Elk


    I like the shot.


    Good even lighting. I would like just a little more catchlight in his eye, but otherwise, a VERY nice shot.


    I hope you printed it and framed it.



    "Lady Cardinal"


    Nice shot.


    Good work on the flash. Good texture in the limb, nice texture in the feathers-especially on the head. I love how the background is lighter than the bird. Makes her stand out.


    Catchlight in the eye...this is really important to provide liveliness to the shot.


    I see fuzziness around the bird. I think this is that web-posting phenomenon. It bugs me too.


    Great shot.


    Only criticism (hardly any at all) is a seed or something in the mouth would add a tiny bit of interest, but this is minor.


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