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Image Comments posted by paul_owen

  1. Hi this was taken at 10pm and the colours in the sky are "as seen". I lightened the foreground a bit in PS to give a bit more "life" to the image - not sure if I've over-done it though? I was surprised at how light the sky was when the aurora showed up!

  2. (Another!) lovely image! I am visiting Iceland again in a couple of weeks and have my fingers crossed that I will at least see (and hopefully photograph) the Northern Lights. I was in Iceland the same time last year but the weather was not kind and I missed this spectacle! This visit gives me 12 nights to track it down!

    Sulphur Creek


    Hi Jeff, I know that stretch well! I managed to find it after getting lost!! It feels much wilder than Jokulsarlon lagoon which, on my last visit, was busy. I have found that the Fjallsarlon area is much more "natural" with a stunning backdrop too!

    I've got my fingers crossed for my next trip - in about 8 weeks time, that the weather will be "kind" to me!

    Keep up the excellent work.

    Sulphur Creek


    Love it!!! Along with the rest of your Iceland shots!!

    I fully appreciate your struggle with the Icelandic weather - I am making my 4th trip to Iceland this March and in the previous visits have experienced every type of weather condition; regardless of the time of year!

    I think this image portrays the "real" Iceland as far as lighting/weather conditions are concerned - bright blue sky, sunrises and sunsets are the exception in this country!

    Well done!

  3. The beach at the Jokulsarlon lagoon in Iceland becomes a graveyard

    for icebergs calved from the glacier and washed up here. This

    example was the size of a large SUV! Used a 9 stop ND filter to slow

    shutter to 30 seconds before being hit by the wave forming in the




    Took the plunge and dived into the world of digital with an EOS 5Dii

    and a (third) visit to Iceland to try it out! Previous trips were with

    bulky large format gear and using digital was a very liberating

    experience! Took this with the 17-40mm at f18 and 30 seconds

    through a LCW 9 stop ND filter. Any comments on any aspect

    (positive and not-so-positive) are welcomed


    Great image, but maybe a bit too much foreground, cropped more square lowers the horizon line and draws the eye into the scene.
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