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Image Comments posted by paul_chiu

  1. This is a nice "graphic" type of photo. I think the square crop fits the picture as it gives it a nice minimalistic look. I can't help but think that just a little more mountain would help avoid the urge to "look over" the bottom edge of the picture.



    Took this picture from the waist as the shepard happened to turn

    around. I had the lens set at the hyperfocal distance and it just

    happened to focus on the right part. I keep thinking the framing

    could be better if I had time, but what do you think of the picture as

    it is?

    Mother and Cubs.


    Thanks everyone for the really nice comments. I took this on a trip to Churchill, Canada, which is where most people to go watch polar bears. This is one of among hundreds of pictures I took that day.


    My main complaint about this picture (you might not see it here) is that the depth of field is a little too shallow. I also wished that the light is a little brighter so that I can use a higher shutter speed.


    All in all though, this is probably my favorite of the ones I took.

  2. Taken early in the morning in the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania,

    Africa. The picture has been dodged and burned and saturation

    slightly enhanced to create a more moody picture. Does it look

    overdone or just right?

  3. It's a good picture, and I agree that the technical aspects of it were solid. My only objection to it is that it would not have been obvious to me that the man was trying to get a stuck camel out of the river had I not been told the story. If it is obvious to you, then more power to you.
  4. John,


    I actually prefer the original image to the revised one. I find that in the revised image the rock seems too prominent an object and competes for the attention of the viewer with respect to the pier. Also, part of the appeal of the original photo for me was the empty space that envelops the pier, which adds to the "dreaminess" of the picture.

  5. I like this one the best of the series you have uploaded. I disagree with some of the commentors above that a photograph has to have any connection to our perception of reality or objects. Film is a blank medium like any other, and the photographer's objective is not necessarily to have an accurate representation of the subject, but to interpret it has he/she seems fit. To say that a photograph should not try to imitate paintings is a bunch of bull. This picture is a pretty good effort, in my opinion, and I guess I'll leave it at that.


    I like the composition and the color, though I actually think a more softly focused picture would enhance the softness of the colors.
  6. I think the darkness of the picture enhances the mood. It's too bad the bassist didn't wear something lighter that day, because the disembodied head is a little disconcerting. What can you do though, with the available light...
  7. I like this picture better than most. It's really too small to make any good criticism though. If everything is tack-sharp then you have a good picture here. This picture is meant to be viewed big anyway.
  8. There are a couple of things that I find distracting in this picture. The lens flare in itself does not distract me, but it being on the arch does. Also the burnt out sky in the background draws too much attention away from the subject. The metering of the arch could also be a little better. The same composition at a different time of day would probably help all these problems.
  9. Since the picture was already a crop, I guess suggesting a change in composition may not be necessary. Even as it is I think a change to a slightly longer lens would have been better, basically to cut out most of the sky. Not that I think everyone should blindly follow the rule of thirds, but in this case having the horizon in the dead center of the shot weakens the composition. I would get a slightly longer lens and pan down a little.

    Infrared rose

    I think it's a fairly nice picture. The smaller rose on the left does distract from the overall composition however. The exposure is pretty delicate and nice, but I think the picture would be much better without the film grain.
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