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Image Comments posted by derek_lukasik

  1. The ball. I like how he's at full attention. Of course I was teasing him into this pose. He's really quite harmless...

    Metered off the grass to get the right exposure of Clyde. Worked pretty well in this case. I'm still a beginner, but I managed to remember that trick for this shot.

    Easter dresses


    Thank you all for your comments. I'll work on the toning in Photoshop and also the exposure. I'm definitely still learning a lot. This photo was taken relatively early in my photographic education. At least at this point I was using a bounce flash (w/ Lumiquest 80/20) instead of the piddly on-camera blaster. It has been an adventure figuring out the settings to use on my Vivitar 283 w/ the digital camera. I generally have to crank up the output of the flash to avoid underexposure. Sometimes, as I think may have happened in this photo, the flash blows out white elements of the shot. I was probably a bit too close to them with the flash. Using the "correct" settings on the flash invariably results in gross underexposure. Recently, I've been using an SLR. With it, the results are much more predictable.


    Thanks again,




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