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Posts posted by jake_ridge

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  2. Yes the Elan 7 is a great backup camera. Remember it's going to be only your back up in case something screws up with your 10D highly doubtful but if it does, you have a backup. I wouldn't take that suggestion in waiting for the PMA for the announcement of another Elan (if there is one), there's no point, its your backup camera and the Elan 7 works fine.
  3. "Why not create a dedicated 300D forum?"


    I remember the same old talk when the 10d came out.


    1. Isn't there already digital camera forum?

    2. When the 300D becomes outdated do we just contine to make more forums for each individual camera? I think this would just be a waste of time. I don't remember wasn't there a Canon EOS DIGITAL Forum? If not, maybe that might be a consideration. But I disagree in creating a dedicated 300D forum.

  4. Hey all I haven't been here on the forums for a couple of months now, I just don't bother trying to read all (if you dont mind me saying) stupid questions anymore. Anyways not following the forums I did not know about the new 300D until today (I don't really care for the camera anyways) However I agree the barage of questions will start to clog this forum once again, just like when the 10D (D30, 1D etc etc) came out, its the same old questions just replace the old 10D and D30 questions with Canon 300D written in them (or some will call it D300).
  5. I think you're trying to justify a purchase of the 10D nothing else. Who am I or anyone else to tell you what to purchase, if you got the money, hell go out and buy one.


    However, looking at some posts above, adding to your existing Nikon equipment would be a great idea, since you already have the a semipro nikon body in the N90, and there are a bunch of great lenses you can get for the approx. $1500.00 (not counting CF cards etc). In the end its the photographer.


    But like I said, in the end its YOUR MONEY, and I could careless which route you take. But spend wisely. Best wishes.

  6. I have to disagree, there is a very small limited market for adding IS to short focal length primes. Most of these lenses are easily hand-holdable with very slow shutter speeds. I think you'll have to really be in a tough sitiuation to require IS on a 28mm f1.8 ( or at least the average photographer would have to be).
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