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Image Comments posted by daniel_brewster

  1. I also don't feel "qualified" to comment... but I'm going to anyway! This seems to be a rather plain photo with no drama. The man in red, and some of the green grass (?) afford a splash of color, but the color is easily overlooked. It seems that you took this shot at high-noon - I have to wonder what a sunrise/set would have looked like. Or perhaps a long view of the beach with the sea in the distance?



    I used a softbox just to the front and side of the model and asked

    her to look at the bottom of the stand for the softbox. Any

    comments appreciated.



    Studio shot, D1, 200mm 1/250, f8, soft box on her left, strobe

    and umbrella on her right. black paper background with very soft

    lighting. converted to b&w and got creative with the cropping in



    i just love that open space to the left...!

    The Sky


    Great lines, great composition. It's easy to imagine that you're at the top of a ladder 200' in the air. Or perhaps you're standing on the ground...?


    The light does distract a bit.

  2. Very cool composition - the trees in the foreground look cold and somewhat forbidding, the dark clouds above appear ominous and speak of a cold wind blowing, yet the beautiful peaks in the distance speak of a certain salvation... if you can make it...
  3. Another day, another 400 photos. A handful fell into the "keeper" category -

    this one is the best of the handful. I know there are two schools of thought -

    1. take lots of pictures and some will turn out well (by accident, perhaps!),

    and, 2., always think about the fundamentals - light, framing, composition,

    and so on. I'm trying to make my brain fit into the second category.


    All comments appreciated.


    Thanks - danbrew

    Highway 66


    I sent him a decent jpg of it tonight and posted the 15m PS file on my website so he could download. I printed on my Epson 1270 today and was really pleased at how it looked on matte paper. So... I'm a relative novice... how do you folks guage the exposure settings when you're in the field? I know it's easier with a digital camera as you can eyeball the results, but I'd be curious to hear of any general rules you rely upon.


    thanks - danbrew



    Highway 66


    The rider was doing about 50 mph and the photographer was about 15 feet

    away using a 200mm zoom. The sky was a bit cloudy and the sun was

    directly behind the photographer. I know I should have selected a better

    background, but it does lend a certain "rural America" flavor to the shot.


    Comments appreciated.


    danbrew :->

    Fall Day


    I'm a bit of a semi-serious novice and am starting to really think

    about what goes into making a good picture. Things just sort of

    lined up for me on this one - this is the first photo that I've ever

    taken that speaks to me. I suppose it doesn't hurt that the subject

    is my son...


    The only digital enhancements were some leveling adjustments, as

    well as a bit of an unsharpen mask in photoshop.


    Comments appreciated - especially on technical improvements.


    thanks - danbrew

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