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Image Comments posted by yahia_shawkat



    I bet you the workman who placed those cables didn't even imagine they could be viewed as art, thankyou and thank the cable-guy. There is a "but" of course, if you were somehow lower, or aimed higher, the sense of upward perspective could be made more dramatic.

    Cheers, Y

    Red Pyramid


    There might be as many pyramids as there are ways to shoot these

    forms of pure geometry, have I found a new way or am I stuck in the

    frame? Your thoughts please...

  1. I see you prefer to scan yourself like I do, leaving the scratch is a good touch though the spots are a bit distracting. I prefer the original crop more as the overhead power lines give both a sense of context and perspective depth, there is more to the chairs than just the chairs. Great choice of industrial and maybe social? decay.





    There is a definite air of spookiness here, more like tombs of the unknown. IMHO I think it could take a few more visits, maybe with a wider angle lens to deepen the sense of perspective and thus endlessness.



  2. This seems so optimistic and hopeful, I find the other just too dark and noir in a CK cologne ad kind of way. The woman in the doorway provides the story with some turbulence, a little intrigue, an alternate view, the girl's inevitable future? Or will her aspiring vision lift her out of her fate...
  3. The exposure seems right and the cropping is excellent, though the sharpness is a bit of an issue, try a smaller aperture, the smallest you have, if the coressponding shutter speed is more than 30 seconds, calculate how long you need then use a cable release and a stopwatch, you could also try different types of film, but ofcourse the slower the better.

    Villa Savoye


    It was originaly shot in colour in available daylight, but since the

    wall was white, and the shadows black, I desaturated it to this

    effect, I think B/W works better for this shot....


    ....in a word, I'd love to see a mono of this amazing shot, can't help seeing in B/W,maybe its the overwhelmingly staid background in contrast to the complex foreground.
  4. A different framing would probably lend itself better to a square crop, I guess I have to see it in square in order to crop it square, there are however only two shots that I have in square format, one of them in this very folder. As for Dough, I wouldn't worry about the 60's, telephoto lenses are known to bring about their very own mind expanding distortion thats why I like using them as well as the exterem wide end of the spectrum.
  5. This piece of well known architecture by a well known architect, Le

    Corbusier, is considered by some - me included - to be a

    masterpiece, with that in mind I have categorized it

    as "Architecture", however if this wasn't the world famous Villa

    Savoye, would I be better off categorizing it as an "Abstract" for

    example? Comments appreciated.

  6. I really admire this shot, though entering it in the "Architecture" folder gives the game away a bit, why not post it, among others, in a "Abstract" folder of sorts, that way allowing the mind more space to admire your shots?
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