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Image Comments posted by richardcook


    Thanks very much for giving us this dignified portrait of Edward. I am sure that his scruffy appearance is offputting and I think you managed to make it clear that he is an individual and capable of some warmth and humor. There are many beautiful landscapes and nature images on photo.net but pictures like yours are among the most powerful and arresting. It is a photo worthy of the Family of Man series and I congratulate you.



    I have been in precisely this spot and seen precisely this view -- looking across the caldera and seeing the oppsite rim of the now-sunken volcanic crater. The sky was blue this way. It was the end of the season, we were on the last boat. Your photo captures it exactly -- down to the curve of the caldera as it sweeps around to the right; the tower verticals are not precisely vertical in the photo because they are not vertical but slightly tapered, as you can see. The colors and the brightness are near perfect. I am envious. Well done. (Sorry, no rating: don't believe in rating photographs, wrong notion entirely, spoils the looking.)


    Richard Cook, Chicago

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