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Image Comments posted by mircea_strugaru


    Very good environmental portrait. I would have framed less tight. The wideangle distortion of the back part of the head is a little un-natural...I guess you used the wideangle position on your zoom. Hands are nicely framed. Eye contact is very strong. I like it.
  1. Actually I have no clue what you mean, Nina! Please feel free to critique this image in any way you consider -- I would appreciate it.


    But what I do not understand is where do I express a narrow viewpoint with this image? Could you please tell me this?


    Thank you for your comment,




    Your work is inspiring. I have just had a brief look on your uploads, but neext week I will have to study it a lot more...there are many things that I can learn from you.


    The ratings you got make me write hate mail to them...but I will not. Please do not let it influence you in any way...this site is nice, but sometimes the dirty side of the human nature comes out very strong...please continue your work, it is great!

    naschmarkt II

    Dark, blurry, this is how the image of a memory would look like if memories could be printed...It looks good, yes perhaps too blurry...also the highlights from the left side bother me a bit, but overall it is a good image.
  2. As you see this image, this is what I wanted to have as final result. But I knew that +2 was not enough, still I could not go further (+3, or more), because the exposure time was getting too long for handholding...So I had to adjust the levels in PS...


    I did take another look at a slightly less overexposed version of this image, but there are too many unpleasant details to be seen...

  3. As I look at the uploaded image, the sepia effect is lost, the image

    is warmer than the original. Still, I would like what do you think

    about the composition, the shallow depth of field, the usage of a

    50mm, the perspective, the exposure, etc...Thanks!!



    Without meaning to upset you with this comment: throw away that digital toy, get a canon g2/g3 that is imho a very nice camera and take a look on the tutorials from www.agfa.com -- classical photo course.


    Learn the basics and practice. Every week, dump all images that are breaking the rules, keep only the good ones. Every week see if you are progressing. Be critical with yourself.


    I do not mean to be patronizing. The rules of photography can of course be ignored as many masters do, but they theach you the basics. After you are mastering the basics, you can develop your own rules.


    With respect, Mircea :)



    Inspired by your amazing work, I am trying now your technique. Far from hoping to get images as beautiful as yours, I want for the beginning to get the basic technique right.


    I have read your 'tutorial' on your site, but I still miss some information: first, how is your light brush projecting the light -- how wide is the spot at 50cm for example? second, what were the painting steps you have followed for this image?


    Any comments from you on this topic would be greatly appreciated, not only by me, but by all of us who enjoy your work soo much....



    ...just in case 7 will become less than the maximum in the future, I rated it as excellent! :)


    Now to the picture: The spot near to Bono's head bothers me. Except for this technical detail, the image is incredibly strong...I can almost feel the loudspeakers and the raging crowd.


    How did you get Bono to pose for you, anyway?


    Great photo!

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