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Image Comments posted by john_bert2


    Apropos a previous comment, I'm still trying to decide if a lack of clearly recognizable subject material is good or bad. Bottom line however is that this photo held my attention for twenty minutes while I was looking. Regards
  1. To begin with I like the shot. Without the buildings, the skyscape would lose all sense of scale - which makes them a necessary part of the composition in my opinion. For me, the fact that the structures are in darkness adds a sense of foreboding to the shot that gets my attention and might not be there had the skyline been lit up with a cheery evening glow.
  2. It is interesting how others have responded to this one - all with valid discussion points. Personally, I like the "almost" monochromatic treatment and the cropping. I like the way some shoreline detail has been preserved in the large space to the right of the figure which leads the eye out of the frame to the right. I suspect that were this my image I would have tryed cropping the left side behind the horse and rider a little to see if it would accentuate the feeling of movement into the frame from left to right - but as a certain TV personality says, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. Regards

    Swiss Alps

    Composition, lighting , mood, all spot on and I suspect the .jpeg scan doesn't do justice to the actual image itself. Sometimes the best compliment you can give is that this is a picture I wish I had made myself. Regards

    Flying Free

    It is interesting how images of flags evoke such definite and disparate emotions in people - emotions that are often dependant on WHOSE flag is imaged. What is not so readily apparent is how difficult it is to create an interesting image of a flag - anybody's flag - and on that score I think you have done very well. My only critique is the "hot spot" highlight in the center of the flag, otherwise I think this image would have worked with anybody's national flag - or any multicolored piece of cloth for that matter. Regards
  3. The more I looked at this the more I found myself thinking of three sets of alien eyes in the dark. Could not shake the mental image. Don't know if that was your intention but that's what this one does to me. Regards
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