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Image Comments posted by freddo

  1. Hi, Markku

    Happy New Year! Love your composite. I've been sort of bored myself, but I saw an old railroad building in the snow this morning and got a good dozen shots from it. Check it out if you have time.


    That's on Facebook. Also, while you're there, friend me on FB if you're on it. I've looked for you but there are a few Markku Salonens (believe it or not) on FB. Hope you are doing well.



    'Wine Barrel'


    I love the color and the wood grain. Very nicely seen. The only criticism I might offer is that the composition tends to squeeze the viewer out of the left side rather than lead the eye on a nice walk down that aged brick walkway. If the eye were led into that sunny space down at the end, the scene would be perfect. Thanks for sharing. Fred

  2. Very nice image and fresh take on an often attempted photo. I think the color makes it pop, especially the green that is reflected in the water, the stairs, and the floor. Just a personal thing, but I'd dispense with the narrative comment and just call it Stairs or No Title or whatever. Also, drop the "Cropped." Every image should stand on its own without the shooters commentary, in the title or otherwise. Really nice image. Thanks for sharing. Fred

    Red Gate


    It's unbelievable how you find these things. Great composition, beautifully disparate edges framing the wall, and then the random striped sign to complete all the geometric elements. Just fantastic and cheerily witty. Thanks for sharing. Fred

    Feeling dizzy



    Haven't talked to you in a while. Great image. Beautiful elements of design, great color, layer upon layer of reality, and quite witty. In other words, trademark Markku. Hope you are doing well. Fred



    Wow, this image is so jacked up it looks like an airbrush painting. Can you give a brief description of how you did it? Also, where is it? Great work. Thanks for sharing. Fred

  3. Classic Markku, seeing elements of design everywhere in the world. This is such a cool design, with the big flowing S through the middle. The light posts have a playful, almost Oz-like or Victorian quality. Quite witty and humorous, although one would be hard-pressed to say why.


    Haven't talked with you in a while. Hope you are doing well.



  4. Markku


    Great image. Well seen and exectuted. I love the asymmetry of the one fallen cone. It somehow adds action to the whole image, like in a movie when someone in an empty stadium hears an echo of the roar of the crowd.


    Oddly enough, I was shooting some cones this morning, and my 11-year-old son, Finn, who was with me, said "Dad, that's going to be a Markku photograph." (I think I told you you're his favorite PN photographer). It's only a shadow of a Markku, but I was surprised to stumble upon your photo today and to find out how many cone aficionados we have on PN.

    Again, fantastic image.


    Best regards, Fred




    Wow! What a beautiful, strange and evocative photograph. I'd be really curious about the story behind its capture--at night, under a bright moon, over a few minutes at least, would be my guess. The shadow detail is great, even in the inside of the boat (where the patch of snow might have helped kick some light up into that dark shadow).

    My only criticism was going to be that I'd like to see the boat more prominent in the foreground. The best landscape photogs always have something interesting right up front, so close that you feel like you could reach out and touch it. And, indeed, the detail of the boat would work well for that. It could be shot that way.

    But then I reconsidered. I'm not sure that the snow in the foreground isn't necessary to add to the bleakness and coldness of the image. First of all, it establishes that the viewer is looking at snow, and not, say, sand. Also, giving a little distance to the boat makes it seem--I don't know--stranded, and a little more out of place. A little more lonely?

    Still, I'd like to see a little more something in the immediate foreground. Maybe lower the camera angle closer to the snow and find a line to lead the eye to the boat and beyond.

    All that being said, I think the image is super as shot. I'm sure it was darker than it looks and that it was a task just to create this great image as the photographer has done.

    My congratulations, Geir, on a beautiful and unique image. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.



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