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Image Comments posted by galan

    Blushing Gabera


    On a particularly well lit and overcast day at Longwood Gardens this

    unique display by one of thousands of Gabera caught my interest... I

    think I spent hours playing with the different ways of seeing them.


    Simplistic and I do like how it fades to black... a nice exposure perhaps with too much canvas but it does not detract from the subject.

    Jenna Diffused


    I liked it in color but saw that the contrast of her makeup and

    clothing would really do well in a diffused black and white. using

    the Photoshop filter, the image was contrasted and diffused. I love

    the intensity in Jenna's eyes... deep, dark and penetrating.

  1. There is good detail in this however I might suggest only that it be emphasized with a black mat too... it would place the model into a void?... maybe a repositioning of the right arm to accomplish the complete misdirectional effect? Otherwise it is enjoyable and unique.

    Blue Mountains


    Sometimes having the wrong white balance makes for a better effect. Sure, you could have captured the colors a little better had you not been in that mode but I think this image works very well as is... I think I'd maybe look at a dramatic black and white too. The only problem I do have with it is that it does not conform to one of the rules... subject. My eyes wander out of the frame so maybe burning the upper left would hold me in? Still... I find it pleasant.


    Old Ford

    I just revisited this image after my sebatical and realized that the emblem on this van is not from an old Ford... this is just a poorly maintained vehicle that may have spent too much time down the shore. I still find the abstract interesting and might suggest a tighter crop or angled crop to further the effect.



    I am pleased at the simplicity of this image and yet, because the herder is somewhat in the forground as compared to the flock, the impact is great.

    As for the multitude of comments for and against the graininess of this image... I think it would work with or without it... poetic license is the tool of the creator and the way Ramaiah chose to present this stark and mystical image is to me, a compliment to his style.

    Would it be better if it were more contrasty or less grainy?... does it matter? Photography is an expression that requires three elements to be successful. First, it has obviously gotten the attention of the viewer in all the replies and criticisms... that alone contributes to its success. Secondly, this image is composed VERY well and no one can deny that it tells a story... the third element is met.

    Bravo Ramaiah for seeing and capturing this moment.

    G.Alan Fink

    Siracusa 77

    The intensity of the backlighting kills this image which, had it been taken at another time of day, would have been remarkable. As a side note, having the children pose for the shot also detracts from the spontaneous suggestion it would deserve... maybe having them walk towards the camera might have given more drama to the image... I would like to have had the opportunity to stand here... and wait for that moment.
  2. Several efforts were made to get the effect here as I found it

    necessary to reposition the camera (in and out) in order to obtain

    the position similarly with the obvious change in composition as I

    changed focal points... quite challenging and, though I do see a bit

    of a darkness, I am pleased at the final result which has a clarity

    yet suggests a 'misty' and moody aura. I hope to do more of these

    perhaps in a more 'comfortable' setting.

    Blue Door


    I realize that perhaps you may feel that you need to justify the conduit running to the door by keeping the run in the picture... bull !!! Dump it as well as the useless white and unremarkable bottom and you have a stark and wonderful image... I love it. You have more than one picture here... a vertical window shot with that shadow and no bottom floats before you virtually by the fact that you can place the shadow into the corner of the frame WITHOUT THE BLUE ANCHOR...

    This image reeks of possibility.

  3. Since it is my perrogative to post as I see it on my 'technically with the times' monitor I choose to go with Mr. Oliver's suggestion. If the viewer has difficulty with gamma issues then it is time to adjust his/her monitor to see correctly, if size is an issue then get with the times... people should not be viewing with 13" monitors at miniscule resolutions anymore. It's the 21st century.


    Sorry to be harsh but I am not known for my tactful handling of whining. Constructive critique is welcomed, personal problems belong on another forum.

    Closed Door

    Sodium Lights require filtration... that's why you have this terrible hue. I think this would have been a better Technical Pan Black and White. In fact... I'm going to take this into photoshop to see.


    It lacks contrast. Despite your efforts to improve this image by adding the grayscale, I think it would have been better served with extreme contrast rather than doing what appears to any seasoned eye to be a failed attempt at improving a mistake. If you overexpose... make it look intentional... up the contrast for a stark impressionistic effect.
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