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Image Comments posted by okay

    Aglais urticae


    I wanted to turn this -- quite common -- butterfly into something

    different by revealing the rest of the beast and not just showing

    beautiful wing patterns.

    However, it looks strange. Any ideas how one might change the

    composition? I though the diagonals would work out nicely, although I

    am no longer sure about it...

  1. I think the photo is quite nice. There are just two details, that I found less then perfect. I think you might have overdone the sharpening, once might have been enough. The second thing might or might not be possible. I think the composition would be more balanced, if the margins between fish and the edge of the photo were equal, both on the lower and on the right side. preferably, you crop less tight on the bottom (if you didn't crop there, you might crop more closesly on the right). Just my two cents...


    I like the atmosphere. The only thing that distracts me is the fence thingy on the left. There's not enough of it to give a feeling of depth, so I'd prefer the shot from a position slightly more to the right or just crop it away. But on the whole a very nice shot.


    Thank you all for the comments. A few of you thought that those nasty bubbles were pretty unfortunate. Well, I agree -- I tried my best to avoid them, but that was about as good as it gets. Anyway, you finally convinced me to do a bit of PhotoShopping to get rid of the nasty little buggers. And I guess you were right -- it *does* look better...
  2. The colors are from stained glass only. You're right about the 'concrete' (limestone, actually -- even Americans wouldn't bury their presidents under concrete, would they? :-)

    Anyway, I cropped it away, looks much better now.



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