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Image Comments posted by robertash

  1. Tim, you should really call this "The blizzard of March 21st, 2008 #9" to distinguish it from all the other blizzards we had last winter season. :-)  Seriously, I really enjoy this photo, and your photography in general.  As with this photo, your choice of subject matter, light and composition create an image that touches a person deeper than our intellect.&


    I like the colors and tones of this image, but the crisp lines and detail in the foreground footprints don't seem to fit and distract my eye from the figure


    Very effective composition. The white sky takes a bit away from the picture, but without "movie-set" lighting what else can a photographer do?
  2. I think the arrangement and orientation of the "visible" rocks are what distinguish this photo. They seems to guide my eyes through the photo in a peaceful way. Really one of many good photos in your portfolio. I particularly like the "Painted Desert Abstract".
  3. A very beautiful image. I'd be interested to know what filters were used. In particular, were any graduated ND filters used to balance the foreground light with the sunlight streaming through the top of the image. Again, great shot.

    Boys in Blue/Yellow

    I'm not sure this photograph would be improved by moving the boys higher in the frame. For me the subject of the picture is the subtle texture and complimentary colors of the wall. The boys help give the picture scale and their placement draws attention to line between the two colors. This is a wonderful shot.
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