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Image Comments posted by RobbW


    I applaude your efforts on getting close enough to the President and at the right angle to frame him with the Ameerican flag in the background. Very well done! However, I will reserve my comments on the subject matter itself, other than to say that I really like the flag in the background. The American flag really is a very beautiful subject!

    Outta Here

    A wider aperture for this shot would have provided just enough blur to the gates in the background to give this shot some depth and pop. Thanks for posting!
  1. Unfortunately, I think the DOF of this image is too flat. The photgrapher could have stopped up and focused on either the archway or the window it frames in order to throw the opposing subject just slightly out of focus. That would have provided just enough blur and contrast to give this image some depth and an actual subject. Thanks for posting!

    in Vanoise (4)

    In my opinion, this shot would look better if cropped so that the downslope of the peak in the left-center of the image were leading out the left side of the frame, rather than another mountain sloping up and out of frame before we get to see its peak. Thanks for posting!


    I really like this shot! It is very comical and vivid. I just would have preferred the sunlight coming from the right side of the frame to bring the cows' profile out of the shadows and also to get rid of the distracting shadow on the ground. Thank you very much for posting!
  2. I think I would have liked this shot more if the clouds had distinct details. Although, I do find the contrast between the sharp outlines of the mountain and the blurred clouds kind of interesting! Thanks for posting!
  3. I like the use of the zoom effect and the framing of the subject's face in the square of fence (or is it rebar?). However, I would find the shot more pleasing if the model's face was centered and fully visible in the fence square. As is, the right side of her face is being chopped by the vertical piece of fence. This is bothering me for some reason. Thanks for posting!


    Cute duck. Had the duck been highlighted in the sun, this pic would be gleaming. As is, the shot is kind of muted. Although, I do kind of like the way the little quacker is framed by the mooring lines. Thanks for posting!
  4. This is a photo of my pregnant wife at 20 weeks. I have been taking

    photos of her every four weeks throughout the pregnancy. The

    original image was just a plain shot taken against a bare wall in our

    computer room. I had a little fun playing around with different

    Photoshop actions and ended up with this image. I like the basic

    look of it, and it's now a nice little desktop image on my PCs at

    home and work. Any thoughts on the image would be appreciated,

    expecially any ideas on using Photoshop actions to adjust images.


  5. This shot of a fountain at the V. Sattui Winery in St. Helena, CA was

    taken during a trip to San Francisco this past March for my wife's

    30th birthday. We are thinking of framing it and hanging it in our

    kitchen. We have been remodeling our kitchen, and it now has a

    Tuscan/Wine Country theme. We have one large blank wall in our

    kitchen where there are only bottom cabinets and a wine fridge, no

    upper cabinets. This area is spotlighted by halogen track lighting,

    and we would like to fill the blank area with some of my photos.


    This is one of the shots my wife likes and wants me to frame it for

    the kitchen. I am considering a 16x24 image size with suitable matte

    and frame. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you may

    have regarding the frame-worthiness of the image. I will state that

    this image is manipulated in a manner that makes it more appealing to

    me. However, I will reserve disclosing what was manipulated until

    the image receives a few comments. This is merely to test whether or

    not the manipulation is obvious.


    Thank you in advance for any input you may add!


    The angle of this shot is interesting, but the trees in the background are too in-focus and really distracting. Also, the main bloom right in front of the viewer is out of focus. There doesn't appear to be a central focus to this image.

    Pink tulip.

    The focus is rather soft and the color is slightly dull. I don't know if it is the lighting or the exposure settings. You might try bumping up the color saturation in Photoshop and apply some sharpening. On the other hand, a soft image like this could look really good if you apply some type of "ethereal glow" filter to it.
  6. I envy you for living near scenes like this. I always enjoy a good sunset shot. The only things I could ask to improve in this image are if there was a clear horizon between the sun and horizon, and a sharper focus on the reflection leading out to the sun. Otherwise, very well done. Keep up the good work.
  7. The focus is rather soft in this image, and the reflections in the glass in the background are kind of distracting. For a posed shot like this, I would try a larger basket. The child looks like he was almost stuffed in there. He's almost too big to pull off the "baby left in a basket on a doorstep" theme. Also, I might try a solid colored oufit rather than the baby print sleepwear. Swaddling him in all white cotton blankets or something would be interesting. Since you shot this digital, you should try using Photoshop or some other S/W to adjust the white balance. The lighting is a little on the yellow side. Finally, and probably most importantly, make sure your shot is well focused and tight in on the child. Young children, and especially babies, should always be tack-sharp on the eyes.


    Keep going at it. The more you shoot, the more you'll enjoy the learning process, and eventually you'll find your calling. I'm by no means an expert, or even good enough to be considered a knowledgeable critic, but I'm having a grand old time with all this photography stuff! Good luck.

  8. Great group shot. Well composed and exposed. I almost think this shot has the possibility to be two different stories depending on how you crop it. You have the whimsical girl with the toothless smile in the front, but cropping the imge down to the young boy in the girl's arms on the right would produce a more somber image with feelings of sympathy. That child has the helpless, pleading eyes of the kids you see in "Christian Childrens Fund" commercials that make you feel like crap because you won't part with your 35 cents a day for coffee to feed a family of five in southern Asia.
  9. The exposure is right on and the composition is good. This is one of those shots where I usually end up saying, "I wish the camera would have captured what my eyes saw." But you did that. Good work.


    Tighter focus on the eyes and a shallower DOF would have really given this shot some punch. Maybe even using a longer exposure would have added some sense of motion. That would have been cool. As it is, just a neat snapshot.
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