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Posts posted by william_shepard1

  1. Can the Zone system be used for transparency film? I seem to recall reading that one can use it, but instead of a zone being one stop, make it a half a stop, ie: zone vii would be like zone vi, zone vi would become zone v and a half.(due to the reduced scale of the film vs b&w.




    Do you all concur with this? Does it apply only to transparency or to color print film as well?




    Or did I get it mixed up and does it apply to color print and not to transparency?




    I can't remember where I read it, Adams, or Picker, or some other book on the zone system.




    I realize that development control is limited, too.




    Bill Shepard

  2. I just got at Sunpak power pak with a 510vt nicad battery. I was difficult to find someone at Tocad that knew much about it to answer these questions to my satisfaction>>>>>>




    Does the nicad 510 volt have a memory and do you let it go comepletely down before recharging, or can you charge it after a partial use without it developing a memory? How long can I expect it to last over it's lifetime?




    Is the 510 volt drycell battery any better or worse, and does it need charging too or do you use it till it expires and buy a new one, like a lithium or alkaline?




    Do you have a preference, and do you have anecdotal experiences to relate? Thanks for input! Bill Shepard

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