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Image Comments posted by pmags



    Were you going for a cross-processed greenish skin tones look? If so, I'm not sure it works with the image. If not, then you'll want to muck with the white balance.


    Background is kind of busy. Perhaps a tighter crop - from just below the elbows and upwards?




    The light is indeed very harsh. Critical focus seems off as well. Would the composition work better without the farm machinery in the background? I don't know but perhaps worth a try?



    I love the eye contact and the smiles...


    My only nitpick, and it's a minor on,e is that there appears to be too much of a 'halo' around the boy's face. I assume this is from some selective curves/levels adjustments in PS?


    The branch coming in from the upper left detracts from the composition. I find my eye keeps moving back and fort between the face and the branch, while the face should really be drawing all the attention.
  1. Well, I was somewhat offended by Andrew Nunn's comment especially since this most definitely is a photograph whether he likes the subject mattter or not.


    However, I clicked through to his profile and I see I'm not the only one who inspired such mindless comments from him. As they say on usenet - * PLONK *



    Please ignore the suggestion to recrop this photo (and some of the others in your portfolio). As another poster noted, the surroundings help to create the atmosphere. The suggested recropped version lacks any sense of space.

    Irish Burro

    I actually like this shot a lot, despite the fact that it (or at least the scan) is lacking in critical focus [it would have been nice to have the donkeys face in focus from snout to ears]. The composition is nice with his head just slightly off-center, and one ear cocked forward and the other cocked back. When I first looked at the photo I thought he was munching on the bunch of yellow flowers to the left - too bad he's not, it would have added a nice touch to a photo which already has some comic sensibilities.
  2. The posted image and others visible in one of my folders at:




    are images I shot in 1995 during paleontological fieldwork in Morocco.


    At the time I had the facilities to develop my own negs., but no

    darkroom available for making prints. Now with the advent of

    affordable, high res film scanners, I'm revisiting some of the images

    I shot at the time, which I've never seen except as negatives.


    These are the first B&W images that have emerged from my digital

    darkroom. I'm mostly looking for feedback on such things as the

    contrast and tonal range in the images, though I'd also appreciates

    comments on composition, cropping, etc.


    Thanks for your input and feedback,




    p.s. Most of the shots were taken on a point and shoot - the Konica

    Big Mini (don't know if they make it anymore). Sometimes it's a bit

    soft around the edges, but overall I think it did an OK job.

  3. The primary source of the "blues" in this shot is the fact that it was shot on tungsten balanced film (Ektachrome 64T). The polarizing filter also contributes to this effect. If I did it again I'd look for a less grainy film.



    I'm curious as to the 1 rating for originality that Carlos Perez gave the photo. I took a fairly well photographed site (Niagara Falls) and photographed it in what I thought was a creative way which captured the mood and feeling of the falls at the time of year at which I visited it (early March).


    Note: The original image is sharp, but the JPEG shown hear did appear a bit soft, as it was basically the image as it came straight out of the scanner (after resizing/sampling to 96dpi). I've uploaded a slightly modified version to which a touch of unsharp mask on the luminance channel has been added.

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