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Posts posted by peter_lach___pennsylvania_

  1. I remember the salesman telling me that the Quantaray lenses were made by Nikon. "They just could not sell them so cheap if they put their name on them". I was a novice then and almost believed him until he told someone else that they were made by Cannon. Well, nobody knows who really makes them so I would stay away from them as if they were infected with SARS....
  2. Juan, My favorite lens for photographing from a train is the 85 1.8 with a rubber hood. Use the rubber hood to avoid reflections from the glass and a wide aperture will help with the dirt and grime on the windows. For a wide angle, probably 28mm would be fine and not vignette from the rubber hood. The 85mm and 28mm would also make a fine kit for hiking and if you can find the room, a close up diopter for the 85 would be really nice. Pete
  3. Eric,

    IF is for internal focus meaning that the barrel does not change in length. My AF 180 ED lens is internal focus but just has ED on the barrel. You probably have the correct lens and I think you will be very pleased with it.


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