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Posts posted by gerry_clarke

  1. Err99 is caused mostly by 3rd party lens however I have two Canon lens 28-138 (IS) and 35-350 both of the lens have caused the Err99 to appear at inopportune moments and as I explained at the beginning there was one instance where the Err99 would not clear and hat to be sent back to the manufacture. The URL posted by Berry Pehlman was very informative to all of those having focusing problems you might want to give that URL a read.
  2. Tony I just spoke with Canon about more problems with my 10D and started my own thread. I am really getting tired of returning this camera every three months to canon for repairs. I find that about half of my images are also too soft to do much with but my biggest problems are as mentioned below.

    Called Canon 19 November 2003 about firmware problems the V2 version of their firmware downloads per instructions but will not upload into the camera. The Canon supervisor asked me what kinds of problems I was having and I stated I was having a problem with priority aperture and priority speed setting because when the aforementioned are used my photos are either underexposed or overexposed. The supervisor for


    Canon support then asked if I was also having focus problems? I then told him yes focusing is a problem and I hoped the firmware upgrade might also help with that problem. This camera was purchased at the end of July the 1st camera had a complete failure and had to be returned to the supplier. The 2nd camera also had a catastrophic failure (err 99 would not clear) and had to be returned to Canon for repair. Is any one else having inherent focus and lighting problems with their Canon 10d's?

  3. Called Canon 19 November 2003 about firmware problems the V2 version

    of their firmware downloads per instructions but will not upload into

    the camera. The Canon supervisor asked me what kinds of problems I

    was having and I stated I was having a problem with priority aperture

    and priority speed setting because when the aforementioned are used

    my photos are either underexposed or overexposed. The supervisor for

    Canon support then asked if I was also having focus problems? I

    then told him yes focusing is a problem and I hoped the firmware

    upgrade might also help with that problem. This camera was purchased

    at the end of July the 1st camera had a complete failure and had to

    be returned to the supplier. The 2nd camera also had a catastrophic

    failure (err 99 would not clear) and had to be returned to Canon for

    repair. Is any one else having inherent focus and lighting problems

    with their Canon 10d's?

  4. Right now Canon is trying to be helpful with resolving this problem. For clarity this has occured with two different cameras (err 99 that will not go away by removing lens and or battery). Also the blotching problem that has occured with both cameras and both lens in different areas of photos and too different degrees. One time I take 10 photos and seldom see the problem and the next time I take 10 photos the blotching is on a majority of the photos. It makes me wonder if the blotching could be casued by an ESD problem over the sensor area that changes with the humidity levels?
  5. Canon 10DS

    Problem #1 Err 99


    I recently purchased my Canon 10DS from B&H Camera (serial # CAMERA

    SERIAL # 0620306458), after a week the my original camera gave me an

    Err 99 and the camera was returned to B&H Camera & 28-135 Lens was

    retuned and a new camera and lens was sent to me.


    Recently my second camera (serial number # 0720306694) failed within

    30 days of arrival with the same Err 99.


    Problem #2


    I have also had a problem with blotch marks occurring on some

    pictures with both cameras. The blotching occurs on approximately

    half of my photo and occurs in the same location on the photos. It

    is not dust or lens cover problem because it occurs without the lens

    covers on and in the same location on the photos.


    I have heard some other folks may be having the same kinds of

    problems if you have had problem please reply to this post.

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