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Posts posted by aaronloutsch

  1. I was just there on tuesday coming back from a weekend wedding at Mono Lake. The smoke is definitely noticeable throughout the valley, and will make it tough to get any kind of clarity in shots. On the drive back, I tried taking a couple shots of half dome from olmstead point, and they're basically low contrast hazy garbage.


    Unfortunately, the smoke is carrying eastward into the Mono Lake area as well. It's not as thick as in the valley, but enough to create a noticeable haze, so anyone looking for crisp landscapes should add the lake to the list of places to visit later.

  2. Thanks for the responses so far.


    Having used a couple major CMS systems (interwoven and vignette specifically), I agree with the interwoven suggestion, and that's kinda what I was hoping already existed in a stripped down form. My initial google search didn't pop up anything that seemed to obviously fit, so I figured asking the people who use them would be a much safer and quicker way to get a solid answer.


    Thanks for the tips, I'll check out the ones suggested and do a little more in depth searching. If all else fails, I may have to fall back on the homebrew solution, though it's not a trivial amount of work.

  3. Hello, I have an acquaintence (a friend of a friend) who shoots

    quite a bit in her free time and has had a moderate amount of

    success freelancing and selling stock to local organizations. She's

    not a pro, and likely won't ever quit her day job, but over the past

    year or so she has been acquiring more and more images in her

    library, and is starting to have trouble managing them as well as

    keeping track of what workflow steps she has done to each. After

    talking to her a bit about this, neither one of us knew of any

    software packages that solved her problem, and a brief internet

    seach left us high and dry. So, I figured what better group to ask

    than this one?


    For those of you who use digital extensively (especially the pros

    here who accumulate lots and lots of files), how do you manage your

    catalogs and the workflow steps around them? Is it manual and

    directory-based with your own home-made system? If so, how well does

    it work for you? Is there a well-known system that we just haven't

    heard about? Is there a software package that can index everything

    in a DB and help you manage your workflow? Does it have any pitfalls

    she should know about? Special strengths?


    I think what she's looking for is something like a content

    management system used on a lot of web sites, but customized to the

    needs of a photographer. I told her that there must be something out

    there already, but if not, I'd write her something. Given what she's

    looking to do, it seems like quite a bit of work, and I'm hoping

    that it wouldn't come down to that.


    Any insight or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    in advance.

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