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Image Comments posted by miss_snottypants

  1. I would like all those things too, but sometimes you cant do much when you dont want to be seen in the first place. When you are in Detroit at a city festival, you worry more about someone grabbing your camera because you took thier picture, than worrying about how the contrast is. I wish I could see his face better, but I sacrificed that for the moment.
  2. if these are your friends and they want good pictures they have to let you be in thier face. you will not ruin the show by squatting down in front of the stage. i promise. next, they better let you onstage too, you have to get pictures of the drummer. alot of band shots look great vertical cause it cuts alot of crap out of the picture.
  3. mics are your worst enemy. you must move around them to get the best view, take a look at mine and you can see what angles i take mine at. i learned this all the hard way so helpfully i can help you avoid stuff. whole body shots never look that great either, always start from the bottom of the guitar and go up.

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