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Posts posted by miss_snottypants

  1. Wow, thanks for all the wonderful advice & birthday wishes!

    Kent in SD- I seen that you've been buying used, from eBay for a long time and it encourages me to go that route. Even though I've gone with Nikon, I've always trusted Sigma (especially thier higher end lenses). Very good advice thank you.


    Bob_flood- I also agree with buying for the future! It's funny, because when I got the D70s, I thought I would be set. Of course, I was in my early 20's then, and I wasn't thinking about client expectations as technology advanced.


    Mary Doo- thank you! And I'll be headed to eBay after re-reading all these replies again!


    Andrew- Yes, I just need the camera to be responsive. With what I'm used to, I think I'll be blown away by the advancement of the newer models, period. Besides the 6mp, teeny tiny viewing screen on my D70, and not owning a laptop 100% of the time, I was quite content with it, to be honest.


    So I just really want to thank each and every one of you that took the time and went into detail with your advice. It's EXACTLY what I needed, and much appreciated. So after I re-read your comments and let it all sink in, I'll follow up on those 7200 price leads.

    Because let's face it.. I'd LOVE to have the 7200! I rarely get these kind of opportunities, so I do what I can to take full advantage!

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  2. I'm turning 40 next week, I'm taking advantage of it by asking for a MUCH needed & very overdue upgrade to my D70s, that Ive had since it was released, when I was managing a Ritz Camera store way back in the day. I've been really out of touch with the latest Nikon DSLR technology & have been researching, but I have to make a decision by early Saturday afternoon (3-18).

    My passion has always been no flash, low light, live music events, occasional weddings, street, & product photography. I fully understand the importance of lenses, but my equipment has always been limited & gifted new. Im used to working with what I've got.

    Budget $700-800 MAX.

    I want a camera I'll be satisfied with for a good 5 years at least and realize I own a dinosaur!

    My gut tells me to choose the D7100 body w/wifi adapter. Do you agree or suggest a newer cheaper body with or without kit lens & if so, please tell me why. It's been over a decade since I've frequented photo.net, but I miss the experienced advice here!

    I prefer wifi capable, a solid body & the more of my lenses I can use w/autofocus & metering, is huge.


    ALL equipment is NIKON:

    N90 35mm

    D70s DSLR

    AF 50mm 1.8D

    AF 28-80mm 3.5-5.6D

    AF 70-300mm 4-5.6G

    AF 85mm 1.8D

    AF-S ED 18-70mm 3.5-4.5G

    SB-600 Speedlight

    SB-50 DX Speedlight


    P.S. I shoot relatively fast, I do not use burst mode & being able to shoot low light situations without flash IS important to me.



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