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Image Comments posted by greg_jonsson

    man with tiny dog

    This is also my favorite in your folder. No, I don't know how that's possible either. Anyway, the dog's expression and and the gaping shirt make it. Background is a little distracting, but not too bad, and there's only so much you control - and those things you did very well with.
  1. Clicked on this shot because I have several similar ones, also taken on a foggy day (one or two are posted here). Then I note we took them the same day! Hope I didn't get in the way of any of your shots :) Anyway, enjoyed your folder. BTW, Christian is right, this appears to be flipped L to R.
  2. I really like this. While your other shots are nice, surfing photos aren't really my thing so they didn't really grab my attention. This one did.

    I think the blown-out look and bustle of other beach-goers (tourists, father and child, joggers, if I am seeing correctly) creates an interesting context for the surfer in the middle, whose dark clothing creates the focal point. I do wish the foreground guy were more to the right and/or further from the camera. A tighter crop (say, at the foreground guy's elbow to about the same distance from the surfer on the other side, in a horizontal format) would also look good, but I like the larger shot, as you now have it, better, even with foreground guy. It makes the surfer more of a symbol, an everyman, while the tighter crop would more seem like a portrait of an individual surfer.

    Anyway, just two cents from a newbie. Sorry so long!

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