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Image Comments posted by marshallstephenson


    I love it when you guys think more about the photo than I did! Seriously, I'm a 49 year old photography student at a community college. I decided to follow my passion after working for 25 years. This photo and a few others in my folder are from my first "art" portfolio project. I stumbled through most of it. Learned quite a bit about exposure, composition etc... and have learned quite a bit from feedback here. Thanks for taking the time to look and respond. If you get the chance, I'd appreciate feedback on anything in my folder.


    You are so damn good. I want to be like you when I grow up. I have saved so many of your photos and shared them with others in my photography class. We have learned tons from you. Your style is yours alone.



    This poor child was left all alone after the last picture show, 40

    years ago. She maintains her shape by surviving on scattered popcorn

    kernels and stale Milk Duds. Remember making out in the balcony?


    Thank you Josh. Point well taken. This was an offering for my first portfolio in photography school last summer. Learned quite a bit but still miles to go before I sleep.
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