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Posts posted by mike_herring

  1. I have been using the Mamiya RB67 for some time, portraits, glamour(on location), and want to do weddings. I have been considering the purchase of Pentax 645(older style), the only disadvantage that I see is the inability to change film mid roll and negative size. For those of you who use this system for this type of work, please comment on its ruggedness, dependability and lens sharpness. How does this neg. size compare to 6x7 for larger prints like 16x20 and 20x24 etc. Any other info. would be appreciated. you can email privately.
  2. I have been using Mamiya RB 6x7 for some time for portrait, glamour(on location), weddings etc.. I have been contemplating purchasing a used Pentax 645. As far as I can tell, there may be only two drawbacks to the system, the first, no interchangable film backs and neg.size. For those of you who use both neg. sizes, how do they compare for the type of work I am going to be doing as far as the quality of the enlargements? How is the whole Pentax system as a whole, rugged, dependable, quality lenses etc. you can email privatly or post to the list. Any other info you want to interject will be appreciated also.
  3. I am fairly new to studio portraiture and have a question. I am using Photoflex soft boxes, size Medium i believe, for my main light. I notice a hard edge shadow off of the nose. Something I do not recall seeing when I used umbrellas. Am I using the soft box improperly. I place as close to subject as possible without seeing in viewfinder. Can anyone help me with this question?




    Thanks in advance



  4. I am using a speedotron 800ws unit with m11 heads. The unit may have

    been out of service for a few years prior to my use. I am experiancing a skin color in my portraits that is yellowish so the subjects look like they have a case of jaundice. I notice no discoloration in the flash tubes. I know its not the printing as I shot test rolls with another lighting system and had them processed and printed at the same time. The other system looked great. Are any of you familiar with this and can lend some suggestions as to a possible solution?




    Thanks, mike

  5. I am considering the purchase of a Bronica system from a relative. All

    I know is that the body is 6X6 format, 2 backs, wl finder, 75mm nikor-p f2.8, 135mm f3.5 tokumar?, 200mm nikor-Q. I need to know if these lenses are any good, multi coated, do the backs do 120 and 220 with the switch or do I need a different insert. The system is in excellent condition and I can purchase it for $400. I can also get a gitzo studex g320 tripod with head for $100, a besler color head enlarger with analyser and ALL darkroom equipment for $500. Most of all I need to know particulars on the Bronica system. Any users please reply.

    Thanks, Mike

  6. I just thought I would put in a note to all that when you type a

    response in the new MFD, you have to hit enter at the end of the line

    so people don't have to scroll to the right for two days to read one

    line of a message.(most annoying) Remember the old saying, what you

    see is what you get.


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