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Image Comments posted by richard_mutt

  1. It feels a little akward to me, seeing the apex of the rumble strips and the steering direction of Alonso, makes me feel the car should be going in a different direction rather than appearing to slip off the page to the bottom left. I was fooling with it in PS and a rotation of about 60 degrees clockwise seemed to work better in my opinion. Good shot nonetheless!


    If I'm being honest the photoshopping is awful. Add some extra blur to the background if it's really overtly distracting. It's too good a capture to ruin like this.


    wow Andrew, I wouldn't have believed you if i didn't see it first hand. It's partially the change in color levels to look more saturated that thru me off, but regardless I still say that bird doesn't look real. Vey nice pic and I still like it.


    What did you do to the background? It makes him look like a stuffed bird in a taxidermists shop or something you's find in a natural history museum. And that eye, somethings not adding up here. It looks really odd, but I think I like it that way though.



    Found this one on my harddrive. I had it labeled Tomo R - "Let's Go, Just Do It"



    I suppose if I hadn't seen it already I'd think this was a pretty creative idea, and although imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, it's also a bit annoying from a creative standpoint.

    Third eye


    Mehmet, what percentage of this image is a photograph would you say? That is my biggest problem, as far as I know this is PHOTO.net not photoshop.net. Obviously their is a healthy medium here between photos and photoshop and the digital camera has certaintly blurred the lines further between what is real and what is touched up. However, and like I proved with my 100% photoshopped image, this "image" of yours can be completely produced in photoshop, much like yours is (although I'm guessing your trees at one time were photos). I seriously don't think you can show me "hundreds" of other photos here that can be done 100% in photoshop.


    As for ratings, well the ratings here are simply screwed. Their are real landscapes here with real horizons from outrageous places on this earth that are frickin breath taking yet a 3 toned gradient fill and a curved line tops 'em all. I don't blame you for that though, that's the users here prerogative to do so, I just question even posting this as a "photo", cause it clearly isn't.

    Third eye


    Well, I said I could do this same image in photoshop in 5 minutes. Well I was wrong, it took me about 10.


    I have nothing against the person who's image I'm mocking, just the raters and comments that seem to have incredibly overblown it and make me question why we even have a rating system.


    My image, I didn't do it exact so you can tell it isn't a copy of the same image. Oh and I used no elements of the 3rd eye image.



    Third eye


    I completely agree with Daniel. If this was a real photo it'd be superb but considering it's construction it's really a sub par PS job. Look at the gradient fill in the sky it's not even blended well. Give me 5 minutes and I could reproduce this image in PS without the poor blend of the sky and the 2-dimensional landscape that looks like a pen tool curve.


    I seriously think people rating here have gone insane. Or they don't really look at the images they're critiqueing.

  2. Well my recent experience with motorsport photography and the

    general rating tendencies of the fine people at this site have

    encouraged me to do my damndest to combine my love of shooting

    motorsports with my need to get high ratings. So in that spirit

    I've created the best of all worlds, a beautiful Ferrari F1 once

    driven my Gerhard Berger with a pair of tits and some Bush added to

    the nose. I was going to add stockings and heels but I couldn't

    find a proper size to fit over the front wing unit. To top it off,

    I've converted to black and white, because by my calculations that

    automatically is good for at least .58 in rating points per area of



    I await your 7's with anticipation, thank you for your


  3. I really dislike the photoshopped background on this image. Aesthetically it kills all enjoyment of the picture for me. I understand busy backgrounds can destroy great shots but I would think that even a simple blurring of the background if you felt the need to photoshop could have sufficed over this static, simplified, mechanical background.


    I still gave you a 4/6 which I think was probably generous.

    Bright Eyes

    I really like the image of the girl but the background is odd. Is this a combination of photos or am I looking at the original? Oh, and I really hate when people take it upon themselves to edit other peoples photos, it's rude and insulting. My 2 cents.

    Light my fire


    Ok, this is my first comment to POW, although I've read the comments and viewed all photos in the archives. What finally made me voice my opinion is the constant whining over POW.


    What many fail to understand is that your tastes are subjective and while you may feel they are the standards which everything should be measured by, believe it or not others do not.


    In my opinion the Elves do a good job in bringing us something different weekly. It may not mean I neccesarily enjoy it, but the variety is important not only for those who are new to photography and not yet set in their photo ways but also for the one-track, rail ridden old guard who may need to expand their range of appreciation for something beyond their own work...though that doesn't seem to be happening.


    My point is photography like all arts is subjective, and we should find the commonality in our difference of opinions rather then are love for blaming Elves. The Soap box is free....

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