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Image Comments posted by stevemontanino

    Driving Down Field


    I'm a photo major at RIT. I'm also a soccer referee.


    I love the bumblebee soccer, this is classic, I used to ref kids this age and you would watch them all run at the ball at the same time.


    This shot makes me laugh.


    2 ideas to improve the image. 1. crop inn tighter especially from the right side, or just crop in PS. Also, use a longer focal length lens with the apature as wide open as t gets and focus on the player nearest the ball.


    Also, image contrast could pop a little more I think, go for some levels in PS.

  1. The interior of this building is amazing. I do not however like the overexposed exterior because I feel it distracts from the beauty of the light on the interior as it draws my eye to the light too easily. I bet if you burn that down just a little bit with maybe a 0 filter effect in PS or on a silver print with a 0 filter this would be even better than it already is.
  2. Not as sharp as it could be. You also could have waited a little longer to get a little more action in the frame too. Waiting also might have let us see more of the 2nd defender who is behind #73.


    That being said, this definately screams football at me and that I like. You got all the right elements, The Ball, a runner, defenders, a referee, and the line to gain marker, and down indicator.

  3. Not exactly sure what your point is, probably better that I am left guessing. That being said... I think this is an excellent image. Well done. Great color, feel, and very cool contrived concept. Only thing I don't like if I had to pick is the light loss on the left side of the fram and the way the hand is placed and falls of the edge.


    I love the color and texture here. It's excellent. I don't like the angle you shot from, I don't think it adds to the composition. I think you should try some different points of view than this one.
  4. I didn't check before to see if this was manipulated as the neck and head seem to protrude a very strange angle from one's neck. BUT I really like the image you have gotten. There is something unique about the timing and feel of it, like street photography, but... not. It's also cool how half a profile shot just sticks out from the edge, that is classic.
  5. I really like it dude. I totally see what you were going for in this one and I love it. It is very abstract, but very cool! I'ts like a painting, almost. You have something interesting stuff here that you could start a series from. I really dig it.


    I believe it's possible to get better correction on the verticals with a 4x5 camera. But aside from that I think the shadows are too deep in the bottome but the rest is really great. nice job. Amazing light.


    Great Light. Nice tones. Wish there was a little more detail in the shadow on the side of her head. But otherwise great, nice color cast too.
  6. Yeah, I understand what you're saying. There are just so many of those shots to me. That is... Rochester, @ night, clear. I liked this becuase it is different. Actually, I was intending to get a clear night but the due date on the CD was the day after I shot this and it was kind of lousy that whole week so I kept wishing for better weather and this is what I got instead. I'm totally happy with it though. I really like the cyan glow the building creates due to the fog. And like I said, it's a little more unique and not so overdone. I appriciate what you're saying though. And like I said, this should be cropped. I might do that tonight just to tack onto this file.
  7. I know there is a lot of space in the bottom of the frame, a lot of

    black unused space. This was used for the back of a CD, and it

    needed space for text. I thought I would post it full frame, but if

    you like crop it with a post card on the screen about 1/3 into the

    black space and you can see how I may or may not have otherwise

    displayed this image. Let me know what you think!


    Yeah, I really am not sure. It's a juxtoposition, at least with her looking all nice like that with nice clothes and makeup. I love the light, thats why I think I was drawn to this image. So I mean great light on a good looking woman is always a winning combo. I don't really think she fits in with her surroundings, but it could be a juxtoposition too I suppose. I just think to myself "Why is she just chilling out staring out the broken window?" And thats the problem, or the strong point depending on if you're a journalist or an artist, respectively. Anyway, it's interesting, though I don't know if I like it a ton or what yet, it's a boggle to me.
  8. I appriciate that comment. I actually wanted to leave the tip out of this image for a few reasons. I did shoot this with the tip in it, but I had to format it as a square for the CD cover and I knew that when I shot it. I still shot close so I could get a good print of the hands. But For the CD I intentionally chose to crop it down because the music and the photograph are not about the baton. The baton is only a tool. Any good photograph of a musician playing, shows the presence of the person both literally and figuratively, and in this case the hands for me have all the important essence. I don't want people to focus on the tip of the baton, because what kind of personality does that have? It's better that they must focus on the hands for me, but thats just my thought on the image.


    Nice photo of the light posts. I would offer though that the bride is really distracting to the scene and being that small offers very little to the image. It's kind of funny but I see a face in there too.
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