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Image Comments posted by neil

    holy island


    Photoshop is nice, but a pasted-in sky is something you ought to mention up front, to avoid a negative reaction. Now, that issue aside, how does it look?


    The forms of the bulidings are spectacular, but I would say the fake sky is too much here. The light on the buildings suggests an overhead sun slightly to our left, whereas the sky suggests a sun far to the right. Then there's the issue of where the two pictures meet. These are hard to do, but the artificially sharp meeting between the two gives the picture a sense of fakeness. Also notice the halo on top of the closest building.


    I hope I don't sound too critical. There is a reason you've caught so many eyes--the scene is beautiful, even if it looks a little unnatural.

    Elderly men


    I really like this shot. You have found a great combination of subjects.


    I would rate it even higher except for a couple of minor things:

    • The man in stripes seems to be blinking. It would be nice to see his eyes.

    I wish there was a little more light-shade contrast on the men.

    Cactus Garden3

    There are a lot of interesting cacti here. I especially like all the small ones at the bottom. But the composition could use more focus and cohesiveness. There are lots of scattered elements, but no real path for the eye to follow and nowhere for it to rest.
  1. The view is wonderful. I wonder if you could bring along a chain saw next time and cut down the tree in the foreground :) If that's impractical, I wonder if it's possible to move so the tree is at the edge of the picture and doesn't block so much of those beautiful mountains.
  2. This is a nice capture of some beautiful architecture. I find myself wishing I had a loupe to hold up to my monitor so I could see the people a little better. Could you post a bigger version?


    This has great potential. The photo is somewhat hard to evaluate because it's so small. It seems that the water is not clearly in focus. You might also try uncluttering the items in the background.



    Nice pose, use of light, expression.


    I admire your work. It's unfortunate the people you mentioned have caused trouble.


    You have done some beautiful work, and I hope we can see more, including self-portraits, when you feel comfortable.

  3. Very, very beautiful. There may be too much digital sharpening though. For example, the highlights in the droplets come out as pure white circles with black rings around them.
  4. I once heard of an unkind trick someone had played on a baby. The person put a sticker on the back of each of the baby's hands. The baby would see a sticker and reach out to grab it with the other hand. But then he'd see the sticker on the new hand, and try to grab that, and so on.


    That's how I feel looking at your folder, I try to click on one image, but moving the mouse pointer draws my attention to another, and so on.


    Beautiful work.

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