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Image Comments posted by eric_jeschke

  1. Nice shot. A little longer focal length would not distort features quite as much, but I know sometimes shots like this are "catch as catch can".


    The color drew me in to examine the image from the thumbnail. Is this sepia toned in pshop? I like the tones.

  2. Try using unsharp mask to reduce haze. The trick is to use a very large radius (~ 60), a very small amount, and a zero threshold.


    Check out what this does to your picture (follow link if picture does not appear inline). I think it makes the sheep stand out more and makes the colors more vibrant.




    Taken a few weeks after my daughter was born. It violates the

    "thirds" rule, but I think the S curve formed by the finger and her

    arm kind of moves the eye through the shot and makes it work anyway.



    I'm having a tough time getting any feedback here on my photos so any

    comments are most welcome!



  3. My only quibble is the hard-edged shadow on her nose. All the other shadows seem soft edged. I think a small soft diffused reflector on her side of the face just to subdue the shadow on the nose and eye a *little* might have helped.


    Interesting portrait!


    Nice sunset. I like the way the dock leads you out into the water to watch it. Unfortunately, the tree branches sticking in from the side of the frames is very distracting. Especially the one on the right, which seems to have caught some fill flash.



    Fill flash removed the texture from the flower. Recommend strong overcast lighting for flower macro shots. Also, look for a more interesting angle; crop in more, or shoot at an angle across the top.


    I do like the color contrast of the very muted background with the strong color of the flower. Including more of the background might accentuate this more.


    Put more space in the foreground. That way the picture still has some asymmetry to complement the symmetry. Rule of thirds idea. Also, I like the tonality and misty quality, but the picture looks a little flat; perhaps boosting the contrast would help a bit. The picture is a little small here to judge this well, perhaps it has enough punch at a larger size.


    Cut off her hand! Would recommend cropping at the head and shoulders. Best part about this picture is the expression on her face.



    I'd suggest softening the fill flash. Better yet, don't use flash, but get some reflectors (big white pieces of cardboard will do in a pinch) to fill in the shadows. The specular flash highlights on the face are somewhat noticeable.


    Pose is nice. Just need to work on the lighting. Maybe some additional side lighting as well to give more texture to the face.

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